Have you Herd
We work very hard, so it's a huge motivation boost when customers who we never get to meet in person take the time to message us via email or Facebook. Thank you! We have uploaded some of them here. Due to the rules regarding Therapeutic Products, we sometimes need to hide parts of people's comments. All of our products are designed to keep the skin or scalp moist, supple and using high quality, natural ingredients. Some are for the symptomatic relief of skin problems such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Cradle Cap etc. We are proud that they have worked for many people, but everyone's skin is different. What works for one person may not work for another. The emails below may help you decide if our products are something you would like to try. For all skin problems, your doctor is the best source of information and lots of our customers find blogs and forums informative too.
If you have a story to share, email info@moogoo.com.au, tag us on Instagram, leave a review on Facebook, or call us.
Thanks to everyone who has written, it's a great way to start the day when someone writes.
To Whom it may concern,
I thought it was about time I wrote you a fan letter. We were first introduced to your products 4 years ago when our daughter was born. A friend sent us a baby care parcel of a few of your products. After reading your website thoroughly we started using them for our baby. 4 years later we now use your products exclusively for the whole family. We love all of them. We especially love your full cream, which is used for everything!
Lately we discovered your scalp cream which we used on our new baby's cradle cap! The most magical product though is your skin milk udder cream. Having suffered with unbearably itchy skin on my belly in my recent pregnancy I was reading everything I could find for solutions for this problem when ordinary moisturising wasn't doing anything to help.
Mothers have written in to mothers groups and forums all over the internet bemoaning the fact nothing was truly effective for this condition (and it truly is unbearable). Thinking that I might just give myself some temporary relief from symptoms I ordered and started using your skin milk udder cream.
But it cleared the problem up in a few days! It felt absolutely miraculous at the time. Since then I have been recommending it to mum friends (and complete strangers in mothers groups I am a member of) for this problem.
You should really market this cream as a possible solution to this problem.
Hi MooGoo
Thank you for the opportunity to try your Brightening Cream. I can't wait to receive it. I have used your Full Cream Moisturiser, Body Wash and Shampoo exclusively on my son since he was 6 months old (he is now 4.5). He has a genetic dry skin condition which leaves his skin incredibly dry and scaly. No one realises he has this condition thanks to your products. He always gets compliments on his lovely skin and the way he smells! I recommend it to all my friends with babies and children. Kind regards, Angelica x
Angelica, QLD
Hi MooGoo
I messaged your Facebook page and was told to email you. I'd love to write a testimonial for you guys! Your products have helped me so much I want to do something to give back and help other people and promote your products any way I can! Please feel free to use this! Your products & your service have been an absolute blessing! I recommend them to anyone that has skin issues or asks about my skin & how I fixed it. Can't thank you enough! I have extremely sensitive skin. I finally came across your products a year ago and my skin has never looked better! I was blown away by the wonderful service I received when I called up asking for samples, and after trying the samples I was blown away by the products too! The MSM soothing cream is the only thing that seems to help my flare ups. The acne cleansing cream has also helped cleanse my skin. ] The results speak for themselves! Please see photo attached! I was blown away by the difference too!. Incredible! MooGoo products have completely changed my life! I use the MooGoo milk body wash, acne cleansing cream, MSM soothing cream, Strawberry tinted lip balm & fresh cream deodorant! I always get compliments on how amazing my skin looks, no one would ever know I suffered from these skin conditions! I love everything about your company! When you have a skin condition or any health condition, especially something on your face that everyone can see, it affects the quality of your life, but now thanks to MooGoo I can keep it under control and I couldn't be happier! Thank you!
Tess, SA.
To all you guys at MooGoo...
I really must take this time to email to say thank you so very much! Please let me explain why.
I have an immune system that overreacts to anything and everything, including water at times, depending on how evil it's feeling, and if it's not doing that, it's attacking my body on the inside, so I try my very best to eat healthy fresh food, and keep everything as natural as possible, however at 46, I've never been able to find any soaps, cleansers or even moisturisers that agree with me, I'm either left with dry, sore skin, over oily skin or hives and even abscesses, and I've spent a small fortune in the process.
Anyway, it took my husband to have a bad reaction to a supposed 'natural' soap that I bought from a well known and expensive soap shop to put me on a very determined super search, I was so upset that my husband had suffered because of my problems!
So, I was awaiting an order from Nelsons pharmacy, when they popped one of your leaflets in with my order, we bought some soap, milk wash, shampoo, conditioner & moisturiser - you guys, in less than a week my Husband is all cleared up, and I've not had one single problem using moogoo products, my skin has never felt so goid in 46 years!!! I will be recommending moogoo to anyone and everyone I can, and in fact I'm going to let my doctors know.
I feel nothing but heartfelt thanks, I'm astounded & delighted!
Thank you so much, moogoo is my saviour!
Jill & Gavin (Yorkshire)
Hi MooGoo
I have been using MooGoo Skin Milk for about 18 months now and have been very happy with it. I have just come home with some of the Anti-Ageing Face cream and put some on and just loved it so much I had to let someone know so thought I would drop you an email. It is so light, has a nice scent and feels great.
Keep up the good work.
Sallie, Australia
I just recently discovered MooGoo, after a long time of just suspiciously looking at the products on the shelf in the pharmacies.
In hindsight, I don't know what held me back because the benefits and the feel of my skin have never been better even though I'm struggling with the odd breakout and stress related impurities.
Every person I mentioned it to, has come back with the same results. Affordable, natural and effective skin care - a no-brainer really!
If you're ever looking for test persons outside of Australia, let me know, I'd be more than happy to help out :)
Kindest regards from Ireland,
Sam, Ireland
Hi all at Moogoo,
I would like to say a very big THANK YOU, for the lovely surprise gift you sent me. The enclosed note was so thoughtful, thank you again.
Though I love the gift and all the wonderful surprise extras I get in my orders I would like you to know that I will continue to order MooGoo because IT WORKS, in every way.
I think EVERY aspect of your company is fantastic - the products are natural, you use great base ingredients, your company is Australian grown, owned and made, you don't test on animals (a huge biggy for me) and for every dealing I ever had with all the MooGooers you are genuine wonderful people.
I recommend all your products to family and friends (so much so, they think I must be secretly working for you with all my moogoo chatter), I buy your products for gifts to said friends and last but not least my bathroom is filled with your products..... AND with the Dusty Girls products I now have a whole new list of products to tell my family and friends about (yah!).
I can't fault a single product, though I know not everything works for everyone I'm so happy that in my case I have had nothing but success with all your products.
I have tried (what I thought was good) shampoos and conditioners made from decent "natural" products but it generally takes 2 weeks of using it for my scalp to become itchy, painful or feel like it's burning for me to get rid of it and this had happened a number of times. I've been using your shampoo & conditioner for over a year now without issue, tho I'm not surprised. My cousins daughter has very sensitive skin, so much so that since she was little she's been on and off medication, her [edited] recommended your shampoo & conditioner and she has been using it since and hasn't had a problem.
I take all your product on my travels as when I'm away due to the change in my routine and diet my skin can flare up (I often get rashes, little red spots/bumps, pimples and such things). My last two trips of which moogoo has kept me company have been almost rash free. Though I know that a change in my diet will generally leave me showing some signs, I was so happy at how well I did travel and that even tho I knew your products would help I was so pleased at how much of a difference they did make, it was fantastic.
Lastly feel free to use any of my email on your website etc.
Thank you again for everything - designing and producing such great products but also for showing how a love of your work and being passionate about a truly worthwhile cause can positively affect others.
Keep up the absolutely amazing work!!!!!
Bianca, QLD
Hi MooGoo
I was asked to email you after a comment on your Facebook page, thanks for the recognition, but it is really you guys that need thanking! I have [edited], though not irritating they have recently been commented on a lot, a friend has given me some of your eczema and psoriasis cream and I order the new one and some other stuff, I don’t think it is a proper internet order unless it hits $100! hehe So I was hooked, this last order that I was spruiking at work included the rosacea powder and even after three nights it looks better and it had just flared up quite badly before I started. I am very happy, I just got a new haircut, new makeup, first in over 20 years, and my skin is going to be amazing thanks to you guys! I have been meaning to email, so this is the perfect excuse.
Nerida, NSW
Dear Moo Goo people
I am 57 years of age. When I was in my early 20s I was diagnosed by a dermatologist with seborrheic dermatitis (s.d). At that time the recommended product was but I was able to escape having to use the tar-based version. In the early 1990s came on the market on a prescription-only basis. It was sensational and really improved the quality of my life. All was well until about the middle of 2013.
For my birthday in April one of my daughters gave me a tube of your cream and suggested I try your shampoo and conditioner. I am the ultimate sceptic, particularly when it comes to using 'natural' products. However in a fit of desperation I bought the shampoo and conditioner in mid-May and have been using it since. I can say without hesitation my scalp is the best it has been.. Not only is my dandruff significantly reduced so too is the itching. Most of all though I no longer form crusty scab-like formations - it just sounds horrible and it is.
I have been spruiking your products to all and sundry. Please let me know if you plan to float the business so I can buy some shares. I cannot tell you what an improvement your products have made to my life.
Thank you very much
Stephen, NSW
My name is Lili and I've been using Moogoo products for over a year. Actually it was my husband who recommended Moogoo to me as he's been a loyal customer for a couple of years, and both of us are very happy with the results. I have very dry skin and I'm using Moogoo full cream which works well for me. My husband has eczema on his scalp and parts of his face where the skin is usually red and dry. He tried lots of different products. You know what? Thank you so much for this wonderful Moogoo.
Lili, NSW
Hi MooGoo team! :)
Myself and my mum have been using your products for a while now and we both ♥ LOVE them!
She excitedly got me to order your cream online and has never looked back. My mum has been trying every sort of {edited sorry} cream out there and while some didn't work, others worked for a while and then stop having an effect. With your Eczema and Psoriasis Cream the effects were seen... [edited due to regulations] The redness reduced and her areas where it was really bad, improved greatly to the point where it looked 'normal'. As my mum has dry skin, she really loves your new Eczema & Psoriasis Cream with Marshmallow, Elderberry and More. Your creams are a and have really helped my mum manage her [edited] and she is over the moon to have found a cream that actually works!!! :D
Seeing how well your product worked on my mum, I went ahead and looked into your Acne Cleansing Cream. I have had issues with acne and oily skin ever since puberty and reaching adulthood I have had to deal with adult acne. After some research online, I saw a trend with great reviews of your Acne Cleansing Cream with people who had oily skin. So after many years flitting from one acne product to another I thought 'why not, I have nothing to lose with giving it try'. I want to go on record that I am MOST grateful that MooGoo decided to go ahead and make the Acne Cleansing Cream. This is by far THE BEST acne cleasnning product I have used. It has greatly improved my skin.
I have found the Anti-Ageing Cream with Resveratrol works well with the Acne Cleansing Cream. Using both creams has definitely lessened my breakouts to the point where they are very infrequent (i.e. only a few spots during 'that time of month'). By using both creams, it has also vastly reduced the oiliness of my face where I am not having to blot my face free of oil any more - I used to blot my face 3-4 times a day to get rid of excess oil.
Keep up the great work MooGoo, you are a wonderful Australian company that is changing so many people’s lives, it’s an extraordinary thing!
MC Leng & her Mum, WA
Hi Lovely MooGooers
Just letting you know that I received this order today.
Not only was I surprised by the super-fast shipping, but also totally delighted by the lovely extras.
Thank you so much for the bonus Milk Wash (really saves my hands from drying out during the colder months) and for the sample of age care cream , which I look forward to trying.
Love your products and your website, which makes getting everything in one place so much simpler.
Hope your day is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Many thanks
Sherril, SA :)
My niece has been suffering from Eczema since 5 years old.
Recently due to stress her face was the worst I've ever seen.
I'm Annie Vo her aunty I came across the sample for the Eczema &Psoriasis.
I thought I'll get her to try.
The results were amazing. Her response was she cried.
I thought I'll let you guys know your product has put a smile back on Angels face and I'm forever grateful.
Keep up the good work
Annie, VIC
Hey Guys,
I have been on the website for the past twenty minutes reading all of the reviews and I thought I would send you a quick email because I can't figure out how to write a review. Firstly I am 21 and have been having really bad scalp 6 or so years because my hair is crazy thick and it gets really hot and sweaty and itchy when I run around. My hairdresser who has been doing it for about 25 years recommended I try MooGoo Shampoo. I went onto the website and read some reviews which were all positive so I decided to get some and try it out. I have used it for about 6 months or so and it is amazing, especially when my uniform is all black and there isn't snow on my shoulders anymore. I have an amazing crop of hair if I don’t say so myself but it is so frustrating when dandruff is falling out like there's no tomorrow. Also, last week, I decided to bite the bullet and try MooGoo Conditioner....... where has this been my whole life. Literally I'm 'lucky' to find one itty bitty piece a day. I like that it doesn’t leave my hair all glossy and floppy. Smooth enough to look yummy but rigid enough to look yummier. But seriously guys if I could put this on your page I would. I rave on about it to anyone who will listen and I look forward to trying more of your products and take a more natural approach. So sorry for my rant and the woeful grammar and punctuation but this keyboard is a pain and as long as the intention is positive then it shouldn’t matter.. Thankyou so much. Like really it has made a huge, huge difference and I can worry about other things than dandruff.
Jake, QLD
I just wanted you to know that I had suffered from scalp problems most of my life and I am now 58. Two years ago I started using milk shampoo and I have now not had it for two years! My scientific mind would therefore postulate that it was the chemical additives in other shampoos that was causing my problem that then needed stronger chemicals to treat the problem. If only I had known earlier that the solution was in a cow and a company called MooGoo! Many thanks!
Chris, NSW
Hi there,
I am just about to make another purchase, and thought I would email you and say thank-you so much for your products!
I am 20 years old, and have suffered with scalp problems for the last 4 years. As I have gotten older, it has seem to become worse. I literally tried everything . Every natural skin care product on the market, I had bought it!! I was about to give up, until I tried you're products about 8 months ago - and I have never turned back.
During my flare-ups, it is sometimes is so bad that people comment on my poor sunburn,and peeling! Every time I feel like I am going to get a flare-up I wash my hair in your amazing shampoo and conditioner, and the stinging and itchiness literally disappears!! I'm not saying it has gone, it never will, but you're products have helped so much! They have become a part of my weekly Beauty ritual,
So I just wanted to say thankyou :)
Kind regards,
A true MooGoo lover.
Libby, NSW Australia
Another happy customer saying thankyou for the brilliant products you have created.
I have a 5 month old son that has eczema. I changed everything, re washed everything. Nothing worked. It seemed to just get worse (If one more person told me to keep his nails short...)
I discovered your product through a friend, and am currently using the Eczema Cream, followed by the MSM Soothing Cream, bath time we use the Mini Moo Bubbly Wash.
I can't express how thankful I am like so many of your customers. You have honestly given me back my happy little boy.
To say thankyou.. I'll be going back to buy the rest of the range (ok so I snuck in the brightening cream for me on first purchase, already love it) for both him and the rest of the family. I'm upgrading our products to MooGoo.
I have told anybody that will listen about your wonderful products.
Thank you again
Daniela, NSW
Hi MooGoo team,
I wanted to take some time to write to you and thank you for the your amazing formulas - both in business and in the bottle.
First of all, your customer service is outstanding and I appreciate the honesty of your product labelling and explanations. Your ethical business strategy (please don't ever change!) has earned you a loyal and proud customer for life.
I first came across your products in my mother's bathroom when I was a teenager full of impressions about beauty products. I was unimpressed by a shampoo that didn't foam (who ever heard of such a thing?!) and a body wash that didn't smell like a tropical island heaven (they couldn't even put in some vanilla?). I'd had acne since hitting puberty and was perpetually trying this and that cream, scrub, medicated lotion and so on to no avail.
One day some years later I ran out of my latest expensive miracle moisturiser designed specially for my hopeless skin. As a uni student I couldn't afford to buy another tub right away and my skin was so parched from my oil-banishing face scrub that I couldn't bear to go a few weeks without moisturiser. Out of desperation I raided mum's bathroom and whacked on the first creamy looking thing I could find.... some MooGoo Full Cream Moisturiser. I liked the texture but according to the "experts" I shouldn't touch moisturisers unless they were oil-free so I was expecting mass breakouts until I could scrape together some cash. What actually happened was very different. My acne didn't improve, but my skin quickly became less itchy, angry and blotchy - it loved it! I went out and bought my own tub and was pleasantly surprised to find that it even cost about ten times less for twice as much product as all the other moisturisers I used to buy. I have never looked back since.
Fast forward a few more years to the present and I hardly use anything EXCEPT MooGoo products. My facial acne is finally gone (apart from the occasional hormonal spot) thanks to the oil cleanser, milk wash and moisturiser. It turned out that all my skin really needed was a bit of kindness - the harsh, drying products were stripping my skin of its natural oils and moisture, and all the scrubbing and unpronounceable chemicals were irritating my skin, making my acne even worse and longer-lasting than my teen hormones alone could have possibly achieved. My skin can't get enough of the gentle, nutritious MooGoo formulas. After recently switching out my regular shampoo for your milk shampoo (your new formula works much better on my oily hair than it used to, so thanks for improving it) the acne that had persisted on my shoulders and back is finally clearing up too.
I used to hate my skin and it hated me too - we used to fight all the time. Thanks to MooGoo, I am happy with my skin and it is happy too - calm, smooth and glowing. I don't love my skin BECAUSE it looks better. My skin looks better BECAUSE I love it and treat it right. It's a whole different beauty philosophy and it's changed my life.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has worked hard in all aspects of your company. It is truly impressive.
Keep up the great work.
Harmony, WA
P.S. Have you ever considered making a toothpaste? I realise all your stuff is for the outside and the mouth is inside, but it's the only daily item in my bathroom cabinet that isn't moo-tastic ;)
I just wanted to take a minute to write to you guys to tell you how very happy and thankful I am that I found your products. I have dry skin with periodic bouts of patchy eczema. At the moment I'm in the final stages of my PhD and it has flared up terribly with all the stress! I read some reviews for your eczema cream and decided to give it a try and it has been a ! had left my skin so scaly and dried out and your product has really calmed it down. So that's thank you number one!
The second is for your shampoo/conditioner which I only just got last week. My scalp has been dry, itchy, and flaky for years. YEARS. I've gentle shampoos, salon shampoos - the works - it never got any better. I'd just accepted it was always going to be that way and that I should try not to wear black tops that give the game away. Then after my success using your eczema cream I thought I'd give your hair products a try.
I've washed my hair using MooGoo twice now. The last time was on Sunday night. It is now Thursday afternoon. I repeat: THURSDAY AFTERNOON. There is not a flake or red patch or itch in sight. it has been four whole days now and my scalp feels freaking fantastic. This is what a normal head feels like... I could just cry with joy.
THANK YOU. You have a fan for life in me. Also a dedicated sales rep - I haven't shut up about it to my partner/friends/family all week.
Ok, happy-rant over :)
Genevieve, NSW
To the team at MooGoo,
I am 34 years old and have suffered from seborrheic dermatitis since I was a child. I would literally wash my hair, get out of the shower and the dandruff would appear before I'd even left for school. It was so bad that I would have to re-wash it in freezing cold water in the sink, in the hopes of hiding the dandruff. I just put up with the dermatitis on my face, and never EVER used moisturiser as no matter what brand I tried, it just made the symptoms worse!
When I got a bit older I discovered anti dandruff products, but there was only one mainstream product that actually worked and it was full of disgusting ingredients & made my hair dry. t burned but it worked. I hate to think what was in it, but it was pretty lethal smelling stuff...all being absorbed into my skin...yuck!
Every now and then I would try a fancy shampoo & conditioner, it would miraculously work for about 2 or 3 washes and then back to the itchy, burning clumps & dandruff all through my hair. I got very good at tying my hair up & not touching it for the whole day, in fear of the dreaded snow falling onto my shoulders for everyone to see. It would itch so bad sometimes that I would scratch it later at home until it bled.
Then earlier this year I heard about MooGoo.
These days I let my hair down, I run my fingers through my hair without any fear, no itching, no flaking, no scratching!! It's made me more confident in public. I'm still a bit shocked that it actually works! After all the years I feel I am finally free, so thank you MooGoo :)
But it doesn't stop there....as I mentioned above, I could never ever use moisturiser as it would make my face red, itchy & flaky. Well I am now washing my face with the Milk Wash & moisturising every day with the Scalp Cream & now my face is calm & itch free too!
I have also tried many of the other products and everything I have tried has been great. Some special ones to note are the Eczema and Psoriasis Cream which I used on a stubborn rash on my leg... Strawberry Tinted Edible Lip Balm which is yummy and makes my lips feel lovely :) Nappy Balm & Mini Moo Bubbly Wash which I bought for my sister, she said they were wonderful on my nephew's skin :)
To the staff at MooGoo, thank you so much for all the time & effort you have put into your products. It's nice to know I'm not poisoning my body with toxic products anymore AND that I don't have to worry about my skin problems anymore. You have a customer for life here!
Warmest regards
Brooke, Melbourne VIC
Hi Moogoo team,
Just wanted to let you know how much I love your acne cleansing cream.
I've tried everything over many, many years to manage my acne and it's cost me thousands and thousands of dollars
I'm in my mid-30s and for the first time in my life, I've found something that actually works and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Thank you for all the research you've done and for bringing this wonderful cream to the market to help people like me - it really works and I love it!!
I have been using it for 5 months now and couldn't live without it. My skin is now also smooth and supple and just looks more radiant, if I do say so myself ;)
I recently had a facial and the consultant complemented me on my skin - usually they're telling me what's wrong with it and how many of their expensive products I should be buying to fix it.
I've saved so much money as well as saving my skin from all those harsher products that are marketed well but don't actually work and bring lasting effects.
So again, thank you! I can't tell you enough how happy I am with the cream and of course, the price, and also how much of a difference you have made to my life.
I now walk out the door without any make-up because for the first time, I feel confident with my clear skin and am less self-conscious. So you've also saved me a heap on make-up I used to buy trying to cover up my bad skin. And no more wasting time in front of the mirror putting on myriad lotions and potions and make-up. (I'm happy for you to use this as a testimonial but only using my first name).
Kind regards,
Maria, NSW
I just wanted to say thank you for your anti-ageing cream.
I have worked in the cosmetics trade for over 10 years both in retail and manufacturing and I have never found a product so effective and non-allergenic.
I am really hard to please and always scour ingredients for nasty s! My skin is super sensitive and tends to react either instantly or after a couple of weeks of use.
With your cream I've had a noticeable reduction in fine lines around my eyes and on my forehead....and no reaction after 2 months of use. It also feels beautiful on the skin.
Well done Moo Goo! I'm just ordering more of your products now!!!
Billie, NSW
I am only a teenager, but I have been using your products on and off for a few years now! I love them to bits. Lately I have decided to take a very natural approach for the New Year. For the past few weeks I haven't been using shampoo or conditioner due to the harmful chemicals that are used, instead I have been using bi-carb soda and water (I know, it's slightly crazy!)
I have always noticed the difference between your products and the competition's. Everything about your products is AMAZING! So, I was just doing some research on the chemicals used in skin and hair care products and I decided to look at your website. I love your sense of humour! It is fantastic to see! And the cherry on top is that you are Australian!!! It makes me feel more knowing or more secure that you have a full ingredients list for every product. It shows to me, as a customer, that you have nothing to hide. Many people would agree that if you pay a lot of something you hope that it will be good and will work. Your products are so much cheaper then others and definitely work and aren't harmful!
I was talking to Dad about it. We came to the conclusion that it is a sad world; companies are putting damaging chemicals in their products so that more is consumed to "improve the problem". So effectively their sales go up. Dad was surprised about how open you were to everything. I am just so happy that there are people out there trying to do the right thing!
I live on an organic grain farm north east of Emerald in Queensland, so there should be no excuse to start being more natural, going green (hopefully not too the extent of Shrek!). Even though I am 16, I have become very cynical just from what I have seen as a child. Mainly from the surrounding mines that have wanted to take our farm out of our grasp but haven’t gotten there yet and hopefully wont. Somehow, Mum and Dad haven't given in. But this attitude from the mines has seemed to become a culture- money, greed and selfishness. I am not an expert but I no farmers have no rights. Just the mere thought of loosing "Kevricia" (our farm) makes me feel as if my heart will break into two. Then, you stumble upon harmful chemicals that they put into products that you put on your skin! What is this world coming to! Somehow you guys have given me hope. Hope that something will change, that there are good people out there who aren't self-righteous. Who actually care!
I just do not know what to say to be perfectly honest, that's probably why this email is a bit of a mess. All I can say is that I hold you guys in the highest possible respect. From your story it seems that you have stumbled upon natural products that actually do work and are affordable! I am here if you would like my opinion on anything and I would be more than happy to help. It would mean so much to me to see your business flourish even more! I can't say anything bad about Moogoo. I did want to leave an idea for a new product through but I don't really how I can try and help you improve. Maybe an exfoliating cream? I have lots of faith that you guys will figure something out.
After all of that I have found a few words, which still can't explain my happiness and feeling. But I will give it a go! Thank-you so much for everything- your attitude, your products, your cows. Please keep up the amazing work.
All the best for the New Year!
Hannah, QLD
Thank you so much! We received your package - Samuel James was born on the 10th January and on the 14th January he had his open heart surgery and thankfully it all went well. He came home with us on the 24th January. After his baths I have been putting the Skin Milk Udder Cream on & he really enjoys it - I think being in the air con in the hospital really dried out his skin so he loves it - plus he smells so good afterwards too ;-) He loves his wee MooGoo Cow as well - so very sweet!
Thanks again so very, very much!
Louise, NSW
When I decided that I wanted to start using all natural products that are better for me and the environment, I tested a few brands and none seemed to work. They all left my skin and my hair very dry. Then I discovered Moo Goo. I use everything from shampoo and conditioner to the Organic Rose Hip Oil. The Oil Cleansing Method cleanser is incredible! It’s so effective and moisturising and almost eliminates the need for me to exfoliate. Usually I need to exfoliate twice a day, but not with the oil cleanser. So not only do the products work, they’re so affordable and most importantly Moo Goo are so ethical and I love knowing I’m supporting a fantastic company with its heart in the right place.
Susan, QLD
Hi Moo Gooers,
I have been using your products since they first came on the market on and off and I have to say I ALWAYS come back to you. Why I change I have no idea
Recently we were travelling overseas so thought I would try your fresh cream deodorant. I have to admit I am not a roll on person, harmful sprays for me at present and Aluminium free has never worked for me but, I thought I’d give it a go.
We stayed in Singapore for 9 days and all I can say is BRILLIANT!!!! It was so humid there and I was fresh as a daisy. I also took the tail swat with me because I just love it.
Thank you so much for your products. Your anti-aging cream has knocked 50 years off me [not really but I feel fantastic because my skin is looking great!]
Chris, SA Australia
Hello there! I am loving the "tail swat" ... want it all year- round ( I live in Ireland, cold damp Ireland ) as a perfume and i would love one that smells of your milk Conditioner! Until then I wish to bulk order! As for the 3 Vitamins Eye Serum... OMG... FACE SERUM I SAY, NOT JUST FOR EYES!! I thought I had missed the boat 20 yrs. aho as regards lines and the prevention of them but this wee treat has done wonders (eve mon my upper lip) thank you. So worth it, so goo, so works! Keep up the good work, Kind regards, Thonya. (Templeogue, Dublin).
Hi. I have been using MooGoo products for my daughter for several months now. I cannot believe the difference it has made. I hated using so many different chemicals. Then I found MooGoo. Hooray we finally found a product that is not only natural but has worked the best. My daughter suffers from eczema and dermatitis. Her scalp was the worst. I could not brush her hair at times because it was stuck to her scalp. We started using MooGoo shampoo, conditioner and scalp cream . I only use MooGoo products on my daughters skin now and I cannot believe how much it has helped. We hardly even use the scalp cream any more, just wash her hair in the shampoo and conditioner. I cannot thank you enough, you have changed our lives. My daughter is so much happier.
Thank you again
Thanks for the bubbly wash, MooGoo - everyone is very excited by it (including Dad, who possibly squeezed a little too much into Anton's 1st birthday bath!!).
Also thanks for the extra deodorant you included with my last order :)
Kind Regards,
Rather than an inquiry, I'd just like to write a letter full of gratitude for everyone at the herd and your line of wonderful products. :)
Firstly, I'd just like to say thanks to the herd for your exceptional customer service. Every time I emailed, I immediately got an answer within 24 hours. And all of my packages were shipped and delivered extremely fast. And the wonderful letter and samples - there's not enough words for me to say thanks for all of that!
Secondly, I think I'm addicted to all of your products. I have fair and sensitive skin, possibly as a result of never using any skin care products or cleansers (other than body wash!) on any part of my body until I turned 18. Finding products that don't break me out, irritate my skin, or cause eczema has been tough. I think I spent over $500 trying nearly everything under the sun. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm so addicted to your entire line, I nearly have all of it. I have your Full Cream, MSM Soothing Cream, Oil Cleanser, SPF15 Face Cream, Resveratrol Face Cream, Fluffy Shea Butter, lip balms, Milky Wash, etc. I just seriously can't get enough... and I've been recommending MooGoo to everyone as a result!
This is where the "thirdly" comes in. I'd like to thank you in my friend's place for helping her with her skin problem. She had been suffering from her skin problem for years and years. Ever since she started using your amazing topical cream, her skin has gotten much better! It isn't itching anymore, so she isn't scratching open new wounds in her sleep anymore, and her skin is finally recovering! A few days ago, I took a look at her arm and instead of it being dark red and looking irritated, it just looked slightly irritated and a light pink! We both know that your products aren't meant to completely cure her skin problem, but your cream has definitely helped her skin calm down and both she and I would just like to thank you for that!
In fact, it has worked such wonders that in my previous two orders, I asked for samples of the cream so that I could send them off to my uncle in Indonesia!. I'm hoping that your Cream will soothe his skin and make it a little easier for him to live his daily life. :)
I'm also bringing home a lot of your products so that I can see how they work on my family. I'm sure they'll become just as addicted as I am, haha!
I hope that you'll continue making such amazing products, because there really are a lot of us out there who appreciate them. Go MooGoo!
With all the gratitude I can muster up in one sitting, Yuri
PS: I'd love it if you would one day work on a face and/or body scrub! My face scrub is the only thing that I'm using that isn't exactly "edible", if you know what I mean. ;(
My friend told me about your product on saturday..After years of suffering in silence and falsely laughing of peoples comments about my skin , i felt i had nothing to loose. I read your leaflet and was amazed to read about KP . It described my skin to a tee. The chemist recommended to use your soap and MMS cream . They were out of stock of the Soothing cream .Today is day 4 of using your product and the results are beyond amazing.My arms are much smoother and the redness has reduced considerably . I cannot believe the difference ,after years of expensive products which had made no difference. I will be raving about your products now to everyone who'l listen;) .Thanks a million. Karen (ireland)
This time last year i was suffering. I now use virtually all of the MooGoo products (including Milky Wash, Shampoo, Conditioner, Scalp Cream, Anti Blemish Cream, How Now Brown Cow and Honey Lips) and these problems are very much under control. I'm not sure if it was all the chemicals I was using to start with that made these things worse, or the fact that the MooGoo products are so soothing, but either way i am a much happier lady! You can understand why i am now looking forward to trying the SPF products in my recent order - now all we need is the sunshine!
Angelina, Cornwall UK
Dear moo goo , I've been using your products for a while and they have worked wonderfully. Although sometimes my 2 year old develops a immunity too it so I stop using it and then when I start using it again it works. A while ago I recommended your products to an elderly lady I met who had been using cream for over 40 years!! On her scalp. She told me the other day with a tear in her eye that your products are working wonders. And she gave me one of those hugs that make your heart melt. So thanks , you do change people's lives xxx

Hey MooGoo
I ordered a few products off you guys last week and they arrived all yesterday so thank you for that. I also want to say thanks for the extra things you put in the box.. :) Didn't expect anything like that so it was a wonderful surprise for me.
One last thing I really want to thank you for, but this one is a long one.. I really really really want to thank you for making such awesome products. I came across Moo Goo a few months ago through my partner. It was like having a hat on that was 2 sizes too small. This made me quite because of the look of it as well. It was like I had been burnt around my head, it just wasn't nice..
This is where your Eczema & Psoriasis Balm comes in. After morning and night applications and it was (edited...let's just say she was very happy) . At the same time I also picked up some Full cream, MSM Smoothing, Acne Cream and 2 of the most yummiest lip balms ever, The Edible Strawberry Lip Balm and the Tingling Honey Lips Balm. I got all this at my local Health Food shop, but only then I realised you guys had a Online store so I've been hanging out to buy more.. Its also a good excuse for a birthday present to myself :)
Your Acne Cleansing Cream... It hasn't made my skin like it was when I was 10 (can't fix what has been done in the past) but it has been able to control the way my skin is. I don't have massive break outs anymore and its more even in tone, although that might be because its not covered in acne anymore as well. Its nice and soft to touch and I can now feel confident wearing minimal makeup when I go out. No amount of scrubbing and products were able to control it. I even went as far as trying the Pro Active stuff with no results at all. It just burn and felt horrible. I'm just so happy about how it works, and the best bit it is natural :)
I use the MSM Smoothing Cream on my legs after I've shaved the night before. Since they get super dry, I find its able to make them nice and moisturised again between shaving. It also has a smell that I like. I also use the Full cream on my arms and hands to keep them nice and soft. I am a mechanic by trade but I don't work on cars as much anymore after hurting my shoulder a few years back. So I've always had dry hands due to the wonderful chemicals used, I find the full cram is great for bringing back some moisture and making my hands feel nice and soft again :)
I really can't thank all of you enough.Your products have been something I've searched and for a long time to find me. Because of your products I've been able to control my skin and my partner is more grateful than me as he has seen a side of me that disappeared. I run around my house showing off my "new" skin and he always has a big smile. So Thank you soo much from the bottom of my heart.
I've attached some photos of the skin around my head before and after (as of today anyway). Its come a long way from what it was, the day I took the before photos was one of my more good days, it had previously been worse but I never got photos of it.
Again I really want to say my deepest thanks to all the wonderful Moo Goo people. Without you guys, I would still probably be annoyed and frustrated at my skin and doctors who love giving out anything they can make a dollar on.
Thanks Moo goo and I can't wait for the next time I'm low on products... Always love getting good things in the mail.
Kind regards
Jara, Victoria
I've always been very skeptical of and hype. But, and I say but... after trying so many shampoos and conditioners to manage the itching, subsequent sores and dry patches. I decided to give your Milk Shampoo and Cream conditioner a try. What could I lose? After using it my head wasn’t as itchy, but the scabs and remained, so after doing a little more research I sent my husband off to buy some Scalp Cream. I rubbed some in on Saturday night and on Sunday morning I ran my hands through my hair and scalp.
The relief is fantastic.... I no longer have to wear gloves to bed, as I used to scratch my scalp as I slept and I don’t feel paranoid anymore that someone will see my angry, scabby, scaly scalp, because it actually feels great. Scalp Cream isn’t a miracle cure, because there isn’t one for my condition, but it is a , so thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Warmest regards,
Judy - Australia
Not an enquiry just a thank you for the quick delivery of my order. I have had rough and sore hands for over 40years, have tried everything Docs could think of, and until my daughter, who lives in Sydney, told me about your products, nothing has helped. Been using your creams and shampoos for a couple of years with a great improvment. . Keep up the good work ... best wishes
Chris UK
Hi MooGoo,
I recently ordered several of your products and I just wanted to say that I think that they are great.
Your fresh cream deodorant in particular is amazing. I have been using natural/aluminium free deodorants for around 2 years now but, despite trying a huge range of brands, had never found one that actually worked well, leaving me constantly rather paranoid about smelling and frequently needing to reapply! So although I was hopeful when I ordered your fresh cream deodorant, I suspected it probably wouldn't work either! I have now, however, been using it for the last week and it is great. Even after a 5 mile walk today in the sun I was still odour free! I am so pleased with it that I have just ordered 2 more, along with various other MooGoo products!
I am also enjoying using the blemish cleansing moisturiser and think that it is already leaving my skin looking clearer and am looking forward to using the SPF face cream when I go on holiday.
Charlotte, Cambridge UK
Hi MooGoo team. I have recently started using moogoo products on my 3 month old who has eczema on his face and body. Prior to discovering your products we were trying every product on the market to sooth our extremely itchy and irritable son. Nothing was working I had even stopped breast feeding as the heat was irritating him and he was constantly screaming. After using your eczema cream and MSM cream we now have a settled clear skinned happy baby. I only wish I had found it before I stopped feeding. I can't thank you enough for your wonderful product.
Rachel - Australia
Hi MooGoo!
This email is just to give you all a massive thank you.
I have had horrible acne for ages, and I have tried every possible skin care product on the market. I was using and every harsh chemical to combat the acne.
I looked at my skin and it was horribly red and peeling due to the chemicals and I thought there must be a better way to do this. I went searching for natural alternatives in a health food store and came across your acne cleanser cream and the oil cleanser.
My goodness! They have cleaned up my skin better than any other products! Plus taken away the redness and even helped fade some of my scars! I honestly cannot thank you enough! I feel confident enough to not wear make up some days and my skin feels really healthy (which makes me happy!)
I just want to say thanks once again, and that I have now officially converted to MooGoo!
Thanks guys!
Bridget, QLD
I am very happy with MooGoo. You guys have wonderful products, outstanding and very generous customer service.
I love the fact that your products are home-made. When I read on your Facebook page that the batch of Mudder Udder cream didn't work because of one of the ingredient and you had to re-do it, I felt a bit weird at first probably because I'm used to buy mass-produced things, then I realised that you guys are very opened about everything and it made me trust you even more. I love the quality of the ingredients you use, and the fact that we don't need much. To people like me that never spend much money on beauty products they may seem a bit expensive, but considering the quality, they're Australian made, environment friendly, no much is needed so the products last a long time, Moogoo is actually very affordable.
I am feeling very lucky I found you. Now that the whole family use the same cleaning/beauty products it seem easier, and we have reduced our rubbish. I feel great knowing that we're now using natural products and I have to say that since I have been using natural products I do not have acne break-outs anymore! My skin feels clean, hydrated but not clogged. Please keep up the good work!
So we started with the Skin Milk Udder Cream, it is absolutely fantastic. It's creamy, penetrates easily, smells yummy and works very fast. My 2 year old son gets red and blotchy on his chin (probably due to his dummy and cold wind) and his skin is back to normal after using the cream. I use it as well on his bum when he gets the odd minor rash and it works a wonder!! As for me the cream make my skin feel fantastic!
Then I bought the Cow Lip Balm. Another little beauty that helps repair and protect my lips.
The Deodorant Cream works very well. After a good 5Km morning walk, I obviously have sweat spots on my shirt since it's not an anti-perspirant but NO B.O.!! Loving it :-)
The shampoo and conditioner are fantastic too. They smell wonderful, unknot my curly hair really well and don't leave my scalp itchy as other shampoo used to. They're great for my son's hair too since they don't sting the eyes and rinse easily. My sister whom has a very sensitive scalp told me that she had no reaction to them, so YAY, thank you guys!!
The Oil Cleanser is awesome. I have a very oily bumpy skin with dilated pores and lots of black heads, and since I have been using the Oil cleanser it looks a lot less bumpy and the black heads seem to diminish. I used it in the shower at night and use the milk wash in the morning. The Milk Wash is a wonderful cleanser. No it doesn't bubble up as much as other ones but it's so soft for the skin and does cleans well. And it smells so good too.
Finally, I like the MSM cream, it might be a bit early to see if it helps with my pores but it feels fantastic!
So once again, Thank you so much to the whole MooGoo Herd!! You guys do a fantastic job!!
Kind Regards
Johanna - WA, Australia
I would just like to say thank you! You have from going insane!
Before using your shampoo and conditioner I suffered from a very itchy scalp! My scalp was always itchy about an hour or so after washing it and stayed itchy until the next wash!
I started using your shampoo and conditioner and I felt the difference! My local stockist has run out and I've had to go back to the old brand and my itchy scalp has returned!! Proving your stuff works!!!
I also use the milk wash, full cream and acne cleansing cream! I'm in love!!
Love Abby – QLD, Australia
Hello there
I just received my MOOGOO order today and just wanted to say thank you so much for the speedy service and also for the little sample you included, it is much appreciated!
I have already applied the scalp cream to my babies scalp and washed her hair in the shampoo and the cradle cap is looking so much better. The products all smell absolutely gorgeous too!!!
Thank you for such a wonderful product and especially for producing such quality products for a reasonable price that will allow me to continue ordering your products!
Cheers Max – NSW, Australia
I just want to tell you how happy I am with your product, I have just finished . When I first visited the she recommended I use MooGoo, I was happy to tell her that I had been using it for a few years now and she told me to use the soap and deodorant as will which at that time I wasn't using. So I added it to my list I could also purchase.
Well I have now finished and my skin held up so well and even got comments from the on the wonderful condition it stayed in.
So all I can say is Thank You to MOOGOO and your amazing products.
Jenifer – NSW, Australia
I just wanted to drop you a quick but heartfelt thank you for your wonderful product Moogoo Eczema and Psoriasis Balm. I have always been blessed with good skin but the last 4 years I have suffered terribly with Psoriasis all around my eyes. Last weekend I was in so much pain and itching with my eyelids bleeding and the surrounding area looking like alligator skin and plaguing and flaking that I got up in the middle of the night and went driving for a 24 hour chemist. I found one but they didn't stock the cream that I had been researching to try next. They did, however stock Moogoo. I was very skeptical but as the price was so reasonable I thought it was better than nothing.
No stinging! And it was so light that after a minute you couldn't even feel you had applied cream. My only disappointment was that I didn't take before and after photos to prove it. I've been singing your product's praises to everyone I know and searching your website for my next purchase. Maybe the Full Cream I think. Love your work!
Sue – QLD, Australia
Prior to using your Milk Shampoo and Cream Conditioner, I had been using another brand of shampoo and conditioner. Whilst the products I had been using had some beneficial results, the inflammation and flakey scalp remained. I put up with this situation for three years! About six weeks ago, I noticed a display of some of your hair care products at my local pharmacy and decided to trial the shampoo and conditioner as the "no chemical" nature of them appealed to me. I haven't enjoyed a non-itchy scalp in so long, Nevertheless, I continue to use your shampoo and conditioner. YOU GUYS ARE ON MY CHRISTMAS CARD LIST!!!!
I wish you and your colleagues every success in the future - you have a salesman in me, I will not hesitate to recommend your products to my family and friends.
P.S. I love the branding and the packaging of your products – great graphics and information content.
Terry - Victoria, Australia
Just wanted to let you know that I have had a real problem with eczema for about 10 years. About 3 months ago I they put me onto your eczema balm and your every day moisturiser. My skin responded almost and I have had no recurrence since regularly using your products. This is very exciting!
Thanks so much.
Yolande – NSW, Australia
Thank you. When my bub was 2 months old she developed cradle cap so after reading some forums I went out and bought some moo goo scalp cream. It worked a treat....AWESOME!!
Then in the weeks following, a number of new mums talked about baby's dry skin and cradle cap and that nothing was getting rid of it. When I mentioned that I had used Moo Goo Scalp Cream, they each went and bought some and had the same experience as me with it working within one or two applications. Thank you from so many of us in my mothers group and friends with babies. :-)
Sue – WA, Australia
I have been a big fan of your body products for a while and LOVE the soaps, milky wash and udder cream to bits. After watching your shampoo ad I decided to give it a whirl as well. I was SHOCKED. It is incredible. My hair is glossier, softer and more manageable now than it EVER HAS BEEN. Amazing given it is dead. I didn’t know that till I watched your ad. Sorry for the capitals but I am SERIOUSLY EXCITED by this. Gone are the days when I spend $50 on a bottle of shampoo or conditioner. My husband is delighted too.
But my excitement doesn’t end there. You popped a little sample of your anti-ageing moisturiser in my order. Whilst I have always been a big fan of your body products I have never used the milky wash on my face and use a very expensive brand of face wash and moisturiser to "re plump" my skin - or some such thing. Well - I thought – I have a sample, it would be rude not to use it. So I did. OMG. I used the milky wash on my face then the moisturiser. I AM IN LOVE. My skin looks AMAZING and I am in awe of the power of your NATURAL PRODUCTS.
AWE I tell you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Am now a certified moo goo addict from head to toe.
Cath – QLD, Australia
Hello Moogoo. Thank you so much for the recent order you sent me. My son has suffered from eczema since he was 6 months old and at nearly 4 has never slept a full night due to all the itching. The treatment we currently use for Jakes skin is the usual as he gets reoccurring skin infections. It has caused a lot of in our house as he is the youngest of three and needs a lot of attention. Your company was recommended to us by family who live in Melbourne and boy am I glad they did. What results we hadt . Jake actually slept last night for the first time!!!!!! His skin is comfortable and he loves the eczema balm which you sent to me as a sample, I have just ordered lots and lots of it. Once again thankyou, thankyou.
Laura – United Kingdom
Hello to the Moo Goo team
I just wanted to let you know how great your products are, which I know you already know! My mother underwent[edited] earlier this year and I gave her several of your products to help maintain skin integrity and moisturisation.
I gave her the face cream with resveratrol, the full cream skin cream and the tingling honey lip balm. The lip balm totally prevented the usual and cracking often experienced with the particular she was on. (Slight soreness was experienced occasionally, but no cracking!) As well, the rest of her skin integrity was maintained. She has made a full recovery thankfully, and remains a MooGoo convert. In fact, her skin glows with health and moogoo!
Also my teenage daughter began to develop acne so I purchased your anti acne face wash. It has been wonderful. Within a , no more pimples! She was ecstatic and uses it religiously every evening.
Thank you for a great product line.
Sonya – QLD, Australia
This is a compliment rather than an enquiry...just want to say thank-you for the quality and price of your product that does what it says. I've never given feedback about a product before which says a lot. I have tried countless celebrity endorsed products as well as expensive salon exclusive brands and have probably spent over $50,000 over the years fighting my acne from 12-30yrs! Moogoo at its affordable price, has reduced my acne by and I started using it about so I'm sure improvements will continue. I use the acne cleansing cream, the oil cleanser and rose-hip oil, as well as the tinted lip-balm. Simple beauty makes me feel so free!
Leah – WA, Australia
Just wanted to say a very big thank you!
A colleague of mine introduced me to your products about 2 months ago, having been so impressed with the results herself, just before I was about to start . Having been warned by all the medical professionals that my skin would react really badly, particularly given I have such fair and sensitive skin.....I was keen to give your products a try. I bought everything! Well not quite everything....udder cream (3 tubes), milky wash, face cream, shampoo and conditioner and started using all your products about a week before my treatment started. I have just finished the five weeks of treatment, applying the udder cream 3 times a day on the treatment area....and the result....everyone (including myself) is amazed by how fantastic my skin looks. No blistering, cracking or excessive redness at all.
So thank you Moo Goo....you definitely have me as a customer for life....and I am looking forward to working my way through trying your products....and spreading the word!
I only hope anyone about to go through this treatment gets to hear about your products like I did.
Thank you Moo Goo.
Barbara – WA, Australia
Good morning Moo-Goo'ers
For the last 18 months I've had redness around my nose which came up out of nowhere & was treating it with an olive oil cream product, but to no avail.
I I've been treating the same issue along my hairline with a hairdressing salon brand of anti-dandruff shampoo, but found it was just aggravating the situation.
So yesterday I purchased your milk shampoo and cream conditioner to assist the itchiness, flakiness and redness, I washed my hair the moment I got home. Just from the shampoo alone my hair was squeaking with cleanliness and the cream conditioner was so softening, my hair feels so light, soft and it looks incredibly shiny. , already the redness and flakiness around my hairline has settled right down. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. Finally a solution and it's all natural too. I just feel healthier knowing that I'm using natural products.
So while loading up your shampoo & conditioner, I thought I'd add your deodorant, milk wash and buttermilk soap as well. I also used each of those products last night and this morning. The milk wash has left my skin feeling so soft and supple, the buttermilk soap smells divine and the deodorant works. I did a boxing class last night and not a whiff of body odor, I half expected to be a bit smelly for the first couple of weeks of using the deodorant but wasn't and am incredibly impressed.
I can't wait to increase my Moo Goo range, next on the list is the rosehip oil and the anti-ageing face cream. I adore your packaging as well, very cute indeed.
Thanks Moo Goo for changing my life in such a natural way.
Kind regards,
Megan – Australia
I can honestly say the acne cleansing cream is THE BEST product I've used. It really helps keep my face clear and doesn't make my look greasy by lunch time like so many other creams on the market.
Thanks again
Julia – Australia
It has been great today being able to put the eczema balm on Jake. My other son Ben has mild eczema and is also using it. What a difference it has made already. Jake started school today and I know that your creams are going to improve his school life considerably. Since putting the cream on this morning we have had no itchy episodes!!! You have been fab in getting the parcel to me as quick as possible and we are all singing Moogoo's praises. Thankyou once again and hopefully I will be able to pass more customers onto you through Jakes dermatologist .
Look forward to ordering from you in the future.
Laura and the gang.x, United Kingdom.
Hi Moogoo Team,
I just wanted to thank you all for my order last month including the complimentary Milky wash and the How Now Brown Cow. My girlfriend snapped them both up and loves them. It is so nice to deal with such a great company such as yours.
I've recommended the Irritable Skin Balm and MSM Soothing Cream to my brother and sister in law for their 9 month old and I have herd good things back from them
I am 30 years old and have had Eczema my who life. Last August I traveled to Australia on a working holiday visa and worked for six months up in Queensland. While there I suffered from some of the worst Eczema I've had in my life, I'm guessing from the extreme heat and humidity. While visiting my sister in Melbourne I discovered your Eczema and Psoriasis Balm and the MSM Soothing Cream at Seaview Pharmacy in Beaumaris. My skin had almost returned to normal.
One particular place it has bothered me for years is around my eyes with very red and dry patches which has stopped me from going out in the past. Another bad spot was all around my neck where the skin always looked damaged and aged, I used to think it resembled that of wrinkled rhino skin. I can tell you with absolute honesty that the skin in those areas has never looked so good,
No cream I have ever used before has done that, and I've used a lot in the UK and USA.
It is a life saver for me to see your products are available online in the UK and USA. I've set up accounts for each country as I'm currently staying with my U.S. Girlfriend who I met on my third day in Oz last August. Please get your products into some stores in Vermont USA as I be moving here next year.
From a very happy customer for Life.
Michael and Devon
UK & Vermont USA.
Hello to all at MooGoo,
Just thought I’d drop you a line to tell you I received my first (and certainly not last) order from you guys yesterday! I was so excited when the postie rang the doorbell and I saw the cute cow on the box 😊 I knew straight away what I was receiving!
I ordered the deodorants (3 thinking I wouldn’t need to re-order again in a hurry), then thought after reading some of your customers feedback, that I’d try a couple of other products, as I’ve always suffered from dry, sensitive skin. Meanwhile my younger daughter Jess poked her nose around my computer, saw Mama Moo, and decided I had to have her, and that she’d pay for her 😊 then of course I noticed William Warmheart, fell in love with him, and HAD to order one each for my girls. Course, now I’ve seen him in person, I ‘need’ one as well hehehe. Meantime I tried the MSM Soothing cream on my dry, cracked frequently bleeding knuckled hands, and thought I’d gone to heaven, it truly is amazing. I’d bought three of the lip balms, one for each of us girls, and we were all over the moon with that too, it felt like having a beautiful layer of cream on our parched lips 😊
So basically, you now have three total converts to your amazing products, and after trying the anti-ageing cream, that you so kindly gave me a sample of, I’m going to ‘need’ some of that too lol, I used to buy most of my skin-care and body washes etc from the Body Shop, but I can already see that being a thing of the past. After only 24 hours of using your products, which by the way are ridiculously reasonably priced, my skin feels amazing for the first time in years (oh yes, I used that soothing cream all over, after my shower last night 😊 ) problem is my eldest daughter Liss (who has been married almost a year now and is trying for a baby) wants to try ‘everything’ too, so I may not be too popular with my son-in-law hehehe. So I’m waiting to hear back from Liss, and Jess as to what they want ordered, then I’m adding my own wish-list to it, and you’ll be receiving another order over the weekend, as for my husband, a happy wife is a happy life is his philosophy after 27 years of marriage to me 😊
Thanks again for keeping your company to a small business that actually cares,
"My skin gets very dry in winter & being on the Sunshine Coast the sun sucks all the softness out of my skin. If I was 21 I wouldn't care, but I'm 47 - so I care. A lot! I used to buy rosehip oil from one of your competitors.
BUT ... their rosehip oil was very strong smelling, it was only in a 15ml bottle & was $20. So yah, it was a bit stinky, there was not much of it and for what it was, I felt it was overpriced.
I discovered MooGoo sold Rosehip Oil after the chemist gave me one of your brochures & I decided to test drive it. And guess what - it is *beautiful* for my skin because it soaks in very quickly and is faint smelling. Furthermore, it is in a 25ml bottle and is cheaper than the competitor's product I was buying! So, not only does it feel nicer on my skin, it doesn't smell strong, plus there is loads more of it!
Each night, before bed, I rub MG's RH oil on my face and I can literally feel my skin breathing a sigh of relief and saying "thank you!" Also when I rub it into my hands, it soaks in very quickly and is not at all oily when I touch things within seconds of rubbing it in.
AND, to cap it off, the letter I received with the RH oil (I ordered on-line) was signed by a real person who used a real pen! That made my day because it evidenced how much your company cares about its clients.
In addition to your wonderfully natural products, that you care enough to personally sign thousands of letters which accompany people's orders has made me a life-time customer of yours.
Thank you for your sumptuous and simple yet gorgeous RoseHip Oil and for your personal touch. I love your realness.
Long Live Moo Goo!!"
Ms Charley, QLD
My How Now Brown Cow arrived on Monday. I couldn't wait to try it and I certainly wasn't disappointed. The colour that developed was a gorgeous brown, not a hint of orange to be seen. I decided to try it for a couple of days just to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I used it daily for three days and the colour that ha developed is as good, if not better than the spray tabs I usually have. There has been on significant difference between a spray tab and my How Now Brown Cow....my skin isn't dry. It's still soft and moisturised. Normally a few days after my spray tan I begin to go patchy because my skin is so dry. This hasn't happened yet. Im still showing a lovely tan. My fiancé has even commented on the colour that's developed.
Laura, VIC
Hi MooGoo :)
This morning I woke to a pretty miserable day weather wise in Melbourne but my day got a little brighter (yes this is a tad cheesy) when the delivery man came to the door just in time for Mother's Day with my MooGoo delivery.
I had asked for a gift box to go with my goodies because I'd purchased a lot of them for my Grandma and I just wanted to thank you guys so much for not only giving me one but also putting the beautiful ribbon on it!! It looks wonderful and she is going to love it. I'm hoping to make a MooGoo addict out of her too. You guys always do such an excellent job at exceeding my expectations (and evidently a lot of other people's too given your positive feedback record) and I just wanted to send a quick email of thanks - your company honestly has some of the best products that have saved my skin in a lot of aspects and, in my opinion, the best customer service out there that I've ever experienced.
Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and a happy Mother's Day on Sunday to any MooGoo mums :)
Thank you SO much for the eczema and psoriasis cream and other samples you sent. I have only used the cream a couple of times on my little 14 month old son but the difference in his skin in a day and a half is unbelievable! I absolutely love your products and can't believe the quality (they are the ultimate in skin luxury) for the price. This the first time I have tried the speciality creams and I am so impressed. You have the best customer service of any company I have dealt with and I can't thank you enough. Looking forward to trying the breastfeeding balm next.
Thanks again, Julia
At 3 months old, my son first started suffering eczema. By 6 months old it became very apparent that he had also developed severe psoriasis plagues. The worst two plaques were on the top of his feetwrapping around to the back of his ankle. As he grew and started walking, if he ever wore any shoes or fitted trousers the plagues would chafe and bleed. To elaborate, he has eczema from his eyes to his toes. If you felt him he feltlike sandpaper and you would be covered in dry skin when dressing him. It was terrible and extremely uncomfortable for him.
From first diagnosis we started using , vaseline style ointments and moisturisers. We would apply every day, up to 3 times a day. On Thursday we saw the Pediatrician who referred us to the Specialist Dermatologist. He advised that we should settle in to a long standing relationship with the Dermatologist. Four days ago a girlfriend put me on to yourproduct. We started using it after his bath that night and have applied it morning and night for 3 days. It absolutely blows my mind to see the vast improvements each day on the previous day. His whole demeanor has lifted tocheerful, happy and he is playing very happily on his own for the first time... ever! I write this to you in an attempt to thank you from the bottom of my heart for developing this product and bringing it to the market. There truly aren't enough words to express my deep gratitude to you for helping my son. If youever have a moment where you wonder why you put up with the stresses of running a business, please read this letter and know that you are impacting peopleslives in such a positive way. Thank you, I am now off to purchase more products as I suffer psoriasis and can't wait to start using your shampoo. xx AmandaGreenwood
Hi There,
When a product doesn’t work or doesn’t live up to our expectations people are normally quick to complain, but so often we forget to speak up when a product does exactly what we need it to. I first got on to your products when I was looking for something to bring relief to my boyfriend’s itchy, peeling skin down his arms and your Eczema and Psoriasis cream quickly worked and provided the much needed relief he needed.
Happy customer :)
Hi to everyone at Moo Goo,
I just want to say a BIG thank you to your company for making the MSM Soothing Cream. I have suffered with Rosacea for about 15 years I was beginning to feel a little desperate....I just could not find anything that would calm my bright red/pink cheeks (one day it was particularly bad and a work colleague asked me if I was sunburnt!)
So I saw your product at my local pharmacy and decided to give it a try....I haven't had my face the one colour for so long, I forgot how my face used to look before the red/pink cheeks developed.
All I can say is, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Kindest Regards,
QLD, Australia
I didn't have a chance to email over Christmas/New Year, but I'm absolutely in love with MooGoo products! They're amazing! In the last year I lost a lot of my hair, and after countless trips to the doctor and tests they couldn't find the source of the problem. One doctor even suggested massaging in mineral oil, which seemed to make it worse. The shampoo and conditioner makes my hair feel so clean, my scalp is no longer irritated and my hair looks and feels great. I've also experienced considerably minimal shedding, meaning it's really working, I was pulling out clumps and clumps just a month ago. Thank you again for being so great about the postal mishap; I'm definitely a converted and loyal MooGoo customer for life!
Kind Regards,
I am not sure how you did it but I had to thank you. I was put onto your Eczema and Psoriasis Balm in Brisbane. I have had psoriasis for 15 years or so and nothing and I mean nothing has cleared my psoriasis, especially on my scalp. I usually roll my eyes at natural treatments (tried so many) but luckily I gave your balm a go and my scalp is the best it has been since I was first affected by this cursed disease-feeling my soft clear scalp is beyond wonderful. I am using the balm on my body as well and there is an amazing improvement there too! I have not got the words to adequately express my gratitude. Thank you and Bless you MooGoo !
I'd tried everything to fix my red, pimply and dry facial skin - including $30 French spring water in a can.
Nothing worked - until I discovered your glorious MSM cream! My skin is soft, the redness is almost gone & I have no more tightness.
2 days after I used the MSM cream I bought the shampoo, conditioner, milk wash and deodorant. I've started telling everyone I know. I'm hooked for life!
Thanks so much
Sara x
This is more of a success story than an enquiry. I've recently been getting itchy eyes and then a rash underneath them that turns into dry, wrinkly, deep cracks. I also get very itchy legs after shaving- I could scratch them all day. Recently I was in a chemist and was drawn to MooGoo. I purchased it in desperation, and I liked the ingredients listed. Now my eye rash hasn't returned and my legs immediately feel better after applying the cream. My skin tone looks even and feels moisturised too. I just love this cream! I am so thankful that your company brought out this range. I will be raving to my friends about it. My boyfriend also gets itchy skin and it helps him too!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Just wanted to say thank you for your fantastic products from the hair products to the skin balm and full cream are working miracles on my psoriasis. I have been singing its praises to anyone who will listen and my friends who also suffer have been to your site and purchased various items so a big thank you and hoping someone in the uk will realise how good your product is and stock it soon.
Claire, Essex, UKM
You asked for reviews of the Acne cleansing cream, and I couldn't be more happy to give you one, especially as I have now truly tested it's out! I am 25 have suffered from oily combination/sensitive/pimply skin since turning 15, it has changed slightly and in the last few years; it only breaks out around my neck/jaw line. regardless, it has been frustrating and I am very self-conscious about it. I have never worn much make up (actually only mascara) because it always seems to irritate my skin further. I really wanted to only use an natural as possible products on my skin and when I found MooGoo I was over the moon!
I started out using the oil cleanser and skin milk udder cream - my skin certainly settled down, became less oily and balanced out, however the break outs continued. Then the acne cleansing cream came out. I decided after doing some reading to try goats milk soap on my face and the acne cleanser twice daily. What a change that made!!!! My skin basically cleared up completely, the goats milk soap (yours of course its the only nice one on the market!) does tend to take some of the natural oils off my skin, however it is so much clearer then it has ever been and my skin seems to react so positively I don't want to change anything.
A little while ago I ran out of acne cleanser and due to financial circumstances at the time I couldn't buy any more, so I continued using the skin milk udder cream and goats milk soap twice a day. My skin wasn't great, it started breaking out again and it wasn't as settled. Just 2 weeks ago I made an order to MooGoo for more acne cleanser, after 2 weeks use my skin has cleared up again and feels great - I can now wear make up with no problems and feel so much more confident when I am out knowing my skin is balanced once more. I now only have small break outs when my hormones get a little rocky, which I know will only last a couple of days. My skin reflects how I am feeling inside; it has been a very stressful year for me, and without my MooGoo my skin would have been a mess. I can not thank you enough for such wonderful products, they have changed my life (in a totally non religious kind of way ;) ) While my skin has cleared up, it also feels great, the scarring has faded and it is permanently soft and clean to touch, you don't get that feeling from commercial cleaning products.
While I am in praise mode, I also decided to try out the new strawberry lip balm, I already use tingling honey lips and love it, the strawberry one is delicious and gives my lips that little extra rosy colour/glow. LOVE. My partner a sceptic of most things absolutely LOVES the full cream, he uses it on everything and I daren't let the pot get empty. I also gave one to his mother for Christmas, it seems we are converting the whole family.
I am so grateful to you all for creating a product that is not only good for our skin and bodies, conscious of the environment and our footprint, but also really WORKS! Now for your tinted moisturiser?!?!?!? I can not wait!!!
Thanks again, I am eternally grateful.
I would like to thank the makers of Moo Goo for making my daughter, who has suffered from eczema since infancy, finally happy with her skin. Since using the balm and soothing cream she has become more confident that her days of hiding her condition under clothing and are coming to an end. She is finally beginning to see the beautiful young woman I have always seen and loved. My heart has been so shattered for her so many times, that even writing this email is bringing me close to tears, but instead of tears of frustration at not being able to help her despite many many many They are tears of relief and joy!
I would like to let you know that I have just washed my hair and used your Conditioner for the very first time.
My hair went like straw after colouring it a few months ago. I have been at my wits end, desperate to find something to make it soft again. My regime has been Moroccan oil shampoo and conditioner, followed by Moroccan oil conditioning treatment that I left in for an hour - after every wash. Then after rinsing that off I sprayed with two detangling sprays from Hairhouse Warehouse, rubbed in a teaspoon of Moroccan oil, sprayed on Moroccan oil spray and a Restructuring spray, This was my regime after ever wash - and cost me a fortune. I was desperate as this only helped my hair about 50% and I would still spend ages trying to get a brush through all the tangled straw. I decided to go and find another product that may be better - I was willing to go through every product until something worked.
I happened to be in the health shop and saw your product. I was hesitating - do I give this a try - or go over to the supermarket and try something from a leading hair company. After standing around picking it up and putting it down several times, I decided to take it.
Well I have literally just finished washing my hair half an hour ago and I purposely only used my regular shampoo and then your conditioner - and skipped the rest of my routine. Well I nearly cried when I put it on my hair - it was creamy and made my hair feel like soft hair and not straw for the first time since I coloured it. I towel dried it and when I brushed it the brush went through it twice as easily and in half the time that it usually takes after soaking it with all the other products full of chemicals.
Oh I am a fan, I'm so excited I'm going back to get the shampoo and the conditioner for myself and my daughter who has the same problem. And I'm buying all your products for her baby that she is having in January.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for turning my straw hair into soft hair again and saving me from all those chemicals.
Yours for life
Hi Moogoo,
Thank you so much for your email! And i have started using my new acne cleanser and it is working GREAT ! i was stunned , i have now becoming so much more
self-confident at school and with taking pictures with my friends , and it hasn’t stung or made my face peel like all the other stuff i have used!
It has made an extreme difference in my life and i am so happy, Thank you so much! (:
From an extremely happy 12year old
- Sarah x
I am just writing to say how fantastic the Moo Goo shampoo and conditioner are. I had a very bad scalp flaking problem for over 4 years. Finally a friend told me about your products and I was stunned that within one week my scalp problem was almost completely fixed. I have since had no problem at all. The speed at which the problem went away was unbelievable...I still find it hard to believe how well it has worked. I am a convert and now use all Moo Goo products (I love that they have a cow on them rather than some ridiculous, air brushed model!!). Thank you Moo Goo!!
Dear team at MooGoo Australia,
I was born with eczema and have never been able to get lasting relief . I'm turning 20, and yet find it difficult to do simple tasks at times due to my eczema - things like hold the steering wheel of my car, hold my toothbrush to brush my teeth, or have a shower without my open wounds from stinging behind my knees. My hands (and the back of my knees) are often red raw, covered in band-aids at times.
I've given up on creams and have decided to try the cheaper, more accessible alternatives available AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING THAT WORKS!
I ordered your eczema cream and received it around 10 days ago. My hands were noticeably more moisturised, less inflamed, less itchy, and my hands changed colour. and i'm not the only one thats' noticed! My boyfriend and I have been together for years and he has never seen my skin this good.
My challenge now, is to keep buying enough MooGoo to have it wherever i go! I moisturise with your eczema cream all day, i just adore it, and for the first time in my life, i might be able to enjoy Christmas festivities with my family, eczema !!
Hi Moo Goo,
I would like to thank you for your products. A lady from work is using your products and after talking to her about my skin problems, she gave me a sample of your products. I was using a product from the health shop which had a lot of different oils and my face was reacting it it, my skin will constantly flake and peel. I thought it was the food I was eating, didn’t relate it to the products I was using. As soon as I starting using moo goo, my face cleared up . I also suffer with itchy & flaky scalp and started using your shampoo and conditioner. I can’t tell you how excited and happy I am, for the first time in over 10 years my scalp isn’t itchy or flaky. I can actually last up to 5 to 6 days without washing my hair, I used to wash it every 2nd day. I love the smell and feel of your products.
I have already recommended your products to friends and 2 of them are now using Moo Goo also.
Thank you
Hi there, MooGoo!!
I was asked, when I first ordered the Acne Cleansing Cream a few months ago, to review it. Well, I wanted to give it a decent go before I said anything, and now I feel that I can give you an honest and detailed review.
Firstly, I love the consistency and the smell. I also really like the packaging; it makes it super easy to get just the right amount out. The first month that I used this, my skin cleared up dramatically! I was so pleased [We had have to edit pretty much everything Samantha says here due to regulations concerning commenting baout other products] That was one month ago, and my skin has never been clearer. I still have one or two spots most of the time, but concealer covers them right up, it's great! I have been converted, and now only use natural products or products especially formulated for sensitive skin.
I guess, after all of that, what I really wanted to tell you, was thank you.
HI all at MooGoo,
I have recently found your product and would love to say how good it is. I have just finnished radiation treatment and about half way through treatment it looked like my skin was going to crack which meant the likelihood of pain and infection.
I have tried umpteen creams and lotions on my difficult, dry and sensitive skin over my lifetime and this is by far the best I have ever used. I am a total convert and am singing the prasies of MooGoo to anyone who will listen.
Thank you for saving my skin
Hello, this is Neil from Sydney. My ill Brother was having horrendous problems on his scalp recently. Nothing was helping to get a hold on the situation.
I went to O'Sullivan at West Ryde to purchase some other products and the nice lady there suggested the MooGoo scalp cream.
I purchased the big tub as it is better value and the condition is not only under control but there is actually minimal signs of anything. AMAZING!!!
Thank you for developing such a wonderful product. My Brother's illness is itself so debilitating but your cream has helped to remove such a pesky and irritating symptom for him where every little bit of comfort helps.
Best Regards,
Hi MooGoo,
I just wanted to thank you for putting so much time and effort into developing your products. I have tried lots of different creams and moisturisers on my face and most of them have ended up in the bin.
I bought quite a few of your products to try (locally and online) and have been using them for a few weeks now. I have always had very dry skin, and I have had dermatitis on my face and a very itchy & irritated scalp for about 2 years now. I have been having trouble finding products that don’t irritate my skin.
I absolutely love using your milk soap in the shower, my skin feels a lot less dry and itchy just from the soap, and followed up with the skin milk as a body moisturiser it feels wonderful (I will probably need to switch to the full cream in winter).
Unfortunately my face has been a bit more difficult. I tried the oil cleanser but it irritated my skin so I gave it to a friend (who loves using it). I then tried your milk wash and it is so nice to use and doesn’t seem to be irritating my skin. I was using the full cream when I was trying the oil cleanser, but I switched to the MSM soothing cream when I started using the milk wash. The combination of the two products seems to be working really well. I will try the full cream again soon. I have also bought your anti-aging cream but I haven’t tried it yet, I was waiting for my skin to settle down, so I will also try it soon.
I started using your shampoo and conditioner as well - brilliant stuff - my head feels wonderful!
I have found it is trial and error finding products that work best, so thank you for caring enough about skin problems to put so much effort into developing your products and sharing them with everyone.
Hello good people @ MooGoo, here is another amazing example of how good your products are. At the weekend I spent some time out in the sun at the beach and that night could feel breaking out on my lips. I liberally applied the eczema & psoriasis balm and felt immediate relief, but best of all the next morning, not a sign of ''.....wow is all I can say. Thank you for your excellent products. I use the anti-aging cream every day and can see that some of the dark spots are starting to fade. Can's wait for your eye cream to be released. (BTW, I sent you an email a month or so ago saying that I couldn't sqeeze the eczema balm out of the tube, I was going to return it to you, and took the tube into my local chemist where the young girl removed some clear plastic film from the tube. I had taken off the silver protective tab, but couldn't see the clear plastic film still on there.....felt a bit of a dummy, so glad I hadn't returned the tube to you, would have really felt stupid!!).
Thanks once again for MooGoo,
Regards Bronwyn
ps still can't believe there is no sign of ...amazing
Hi, MooGoo team! I just wanted to tip my hat in your direction for giving me my skin (and confidence) back!
For over a year now, I've been experiencing strange red blotches on my skin. . Sometimes it would be barely noticeable, but other times it would be bright red and very ugly. What started as a few small patches slowly grew to monstrous proportions - I had the rash all over my chest, back, shoulders and neck. I was at the point where I didn't even want to date, lest someone be repulsed by my skin.
Enter MooGoo Eczma and Psoriasis cream! I purchased a tube four days ago, and the difference is extraordinary. I simply can't believe it. The difference after just days is astounding. Thank you so much.
I will be going back to get more of your range this week, as the prospect of inexpensive, effective skincare is simply too good to resist. Keep doing your wonderful work! x
Hello MooGoo team,
I was first captivated by the cute packaging and then turned the bottle over to read the ingredients list, as I always do, and was sold. I wash my hands all day long and often get dermatitis breakouts - The MooGoo udder cream has cleared that up nicely and my skin feels silky smooth. I have been recommending the Eczema and Psoriasis cream as well as the general moisturising range for dermatitis and all have had an excellent response. I Many years ago I used to be a member of the Herb Society of Victoria and I remember the members talking about how comfrey leaves (whose active ingredient is ) were used in china to assist with repair of broken bones (the affected limb would be wrapped in comfrey poultices). The use of makes your moisturising range particularly powerful. I have also been impressed by the reasonable price range. I see other products of this quality sold for 3-4 times the price.
Well done on an amazing effort. I will continue to do my part to ensure your business flourishes. Thank you so much,
Kindest Regards,
Hi Herd,
I also ordered some more of your shampoo and conditioner, I am very happy with it as I was suffering from very damaged hair. I spent all summer last year in the pool and because of the chlorine it really damaged my hair. My hair would get so badly knotted just after a couple of hours, I had to brush my hair every few hours, even then it still hurt to run my brush through my hair, when normally I didn't have to brush my hair at all ever. I got a keratin treatment to try and rebuild the structures of my hair and it felt good at first but it washed out after a while. I considered cutting my hair short even though I had been growing it for 7 years which would have been heart-breaking, I tried so many deep conditioners. Nothing worked to relieve it, even when putting in conditioner, which makes hair slippery and easy to comb didn't work. I tried your shampoo and conditioner and my hair has completely bounced back, I can easily comb my hair when it has your conditioner and it feels as healthy as ever! :) My boyfriend also uses your shampoo and conditioner as he suffers from an itchy scalp from any other shampoo and conditioner. He loves Moogoo too now! :) The only problem I'm having so far with it is that I'm not sure if I should be massaging the conditioner into my scalp or not because I get really limp hair from too much conditioner.
I also ordered some scalp cream for my boyfriend so I'll email you to let you know how it goes with him when he uses it. The tinted lip balm is very nice :) it smells very sweet and it's very moisturising, it's nice knowing there are no crushed beetles in it!! I have also tried your tingling honey lips which was very nice, I gave it to my boyfriend as he has really chapped lips and your cow lick one is beautiful as well.
Anyway, sorry for such a long email, I just wanted to let you know how much my family and my boyfriend appreciate your products, I have replaced all my other products with Moogoo ones. I'm going to be recommending it to anyone who is willing to listen to me! Moogoo truly is a blessing! :) Thank you for writing a personalised letter to me, your customer service is the best I have ever experienced.
Just wondering, would you be making a scrub for your face or body any time soon? As a face scrub is the only thing in my skin regime which is not Moogoo :(
Also would you be making a christmas hamper full of Moogoo products in time for Christmas?
Kind Regards,
Hi guys,
i forgot to mention this in my last message to you, ive been using your shampoo and conditioner, and your conditioner has made my life sooo much easier, my hair is quite long, and frizzy/curly. Im not one to use hair products/straightners/blowdryers ect.. to maim and tame it into place, and the only time i can get the tangles out is after ive slapped heaps of conditioner in and comb/yank thruogh the mess while still in the shower (I end up with handfulls of hair, no longer attatched to my head, and conditioner splatters everywhere), i now put my moogoo conditioner in, wash myself, rinse my hair, hop out of the shower, then put in a couple of additional pumps of conditioner, this seems to tame my hair and i can comb out the tangles so easily, but what suprised me the most was the lack of hair in my comb, all i can say is WOW, actually that is exactly what my husband said. the comb goes through my hair so easily. I hope others will benefit from this also.
Hi there herd....
Just wanted to say how much I am loving your products and service. First order was for the tingling honey lip balm (fav lip balm ever) and the acne cleansing cream, plus you threw in a sample of the milk wash (thanks by the way)... The acne cream is working , I have been using this after the the milk wash and my skin hasn't looked this good in a long time. Even the spots just under the surface have cleared. (Whoohoo! No more chemicals for me!) I placed an order for all three items plus the skin milk, and once again got super fast delivery, complete with the cute personalized touches....
Love everything and have been dropping your name all over the place. Thanks for great products and great service.
Cheers :)
Jess, NSW
I just wanted to thank you for the best anti-wrinkle/moisturising product I have ever found! Over the last few years (I am 44) I have spent lots of $$$'s on Estee Lauder and other anti-ageing products which worked to some degree. Last weekend I purchased your MooGoo Full Cream from Tilba whilst I was tasting cheese and within 2 days of using this cream on my face I have noticed a huge reductions on fine lines! This is a cream! Thank you so much and as I am a Sales Rep, I will be recommending this cream to ALL my customers!
Cheers and regards,
Hi MooGoo,
I noticed your deodorant at our local pharmacy the other day and bought one after noticing it was aluminium free and had nothing to do with tea tree oil!
I was sceptical to begin with so put it to the test today at my taekwondo class. I didn't over-do the application, but was nervous that I'd end up being 'that one' that didn't put enough deodorant on...!
Well, I got to the end of the class, and through most of my day before realising that I hadn't noticed anything. There's no tell-tale signs of odour, just a touch of lemon myrtle.
I'm converted - and I have no doubt my body will love me now I'm not feeding it aluminium on a daily basis.
Liz, NSW
I have been using your product for two days wow what a difference to my psoriasis, is there a secret ingredient in it! Thanks for the reassurance that no in product, my i just cant believe the difference in such a short time of using the product my skin feels normal again. I have now bought shampoo and body wash. I want to tell the whole world about it.
Catherine (A Very Happy Customer)! Waterford
I first heard of Moo Goo products when I met you at the Pregnancy & Baby Show in the RDS a couple of months back. I have a baby girl who is now almost 6 months old. She had cradle cap early on and as that was clearing, her actual scalp was extremely dry and flaky and she would have breakout red patches on her face, ears, legs etc. I tried numerous products with no perfumes etc but nothing was helping.
We were told she has mild dermatitis (and have since been told its eczema) I purchased the Milk Shampoo and Scalp Cream. I began using it on her straight away and within days her scalp began to clear up! Ive been using the shampoo on her ever since and the dryness never returned. Plus it smells FAB! I put the scalp cream on the patches of eczema if or when she has a little breakout and it clears it up in no time. I had tried cream but I don't like using it as it will thin her skin, and to be honest the scalp cream is every bit as effective and not at all .
I was delighted to see your stand again at Xpose a few weeks ago, so I stocked up on more shampoo and creams! I also bought some for a couple of friends that have similar problems.
I have and will recommend your products to anyone I hear speaking about problem prone skin. Its just amazing stuff!!! We love it!!!
Thanks again
Donna, Lucan
Hi Moogoo
Just letting you know I am getting on brilliantly with your products... the milk wash, shampoo, conditioner, MSM, full cream, anti aging, oil cleanser, soaps and the lip balms I love every single 1 of your products and what they have done for my skin and my kids skin!! My fave has to be the MSM cream it is b...rill and reminds me of dessert. My 18 month son loves the full cream he just loves licking it off his hands when he is helping me apply it to him!!!
I have some family members using it and I have also converted my father in law to it I can't recommend it enough!!!
I can't wait for your deodrant and nappy balm eye cream etc to come to Ireland!!!
Stephanie, Thurles,
Just got my order of Moogoo today, thank you. I actually came across Moogoo on a trip to Australia last year and was so impressed I've been ordering it all the way from Oz. Even with the extra postage it was still really good value. I started out with just the psoriasis & eczema balm, which is by far the best thing I've found for my eczema in the past five years I used to have to apply other standard eczema creams every fifteen minutes (no exaggeration!) and even then my skin was still red raw, cracked and itchy as hell. Now it's so much better I only have to use Moogoo a couple of times a day. After getting some free samples of the MSM cream and milk wash I am now completely converted to the Moogoo cause. Every product I've tried so far is great. Thank you so much for bringing Moogoo to Ireland!
Jenny (Dublin )
I'm very happy with the Oil Cleansing Method product for oily skin I received the other day, it's amazing, I've only been using it for a couple of days and I can already notice a difference in my acne-prone skin, my blackheads have gone, and my blemishes are shrinking. I've tried numerous products which never worked in order to beat my acne, nothing has ever worked liked this product has. The smell is wonderful, it's like having a facial everyday, thanks a million too for the free lip balm which is also amazing, will definitely be ordering more MooGoo products in the future.
Katie, Dublin
Hi there,
I received the products yesterday that I ordered . Thank you so much for delivering them. I read about MooGoo in the metro on monday and I love skincare products especially products that are natural and are for sensitive skin. There was so much helpful info on the website, I just had to give them a try. I loved the oatmeal and honey soap, the udder cream is amazing. I havent tried the oil cleanser yet but i cant wait!!
I have sent the link to the site to my friends and family too!!
Thanks again.
Annamarie Dublin
Dear Moogoo Ireland
Moogoo is the best hair care product I have ever used. As a sufferer of dermatitis on the scalp and always getting that “tight” feeling on the scalp after washing my hair which would lead to dandruff, I thought I would never find any product that worked for me. I got a sample of Moogoo scalp cream and from the first couple of applications I found that it was clearing my dandruff and giving me a very cooling sensation on the scalp. Recently I have started using the Moogoo Milk Shampoo and have found the product excellent. I no longer get that “tight” feeling on my scalp after washing my hair and with the application after of the scalp cream my scalp is conditioned, and feeling great.
Moogoo Milk Shampoo and Moogoo Scalp cream are keeping my scalp free of dandruff; the ingredients in both products are what your scalp and hair require to keep it in good condition.
Stephen, Co Louth Irl
Thank you for the swift delivery of my previous order. I have found both the Moogoo MSM and the Irritated Skin Balm fantastic, I can now shake hands with people and not feel extremely embarassed. They have been a revelation.
Thanks again
Eithne Lucan, Dublin August 2010
Hi Moogoo Ireland
All i can say is thank you, my name is Mark Cranmer, i bought Moogoo shampoo and scalp cream from you in Donaghmede Pharmacy just over a week ago. i suffer badly on my scalp and have tried everything to tackle this problem and nothing has worked till now.
Within a few days the redness was all but gone , there's no more flaky scalp and the scalp has lost all the tightness.
I am delighted with these products
Kind regards
Mark Cranmer, Dublin September 2010
Moogoo products are going fantastic they have exceeded my expectationsions and I will defnitely continue to use them I cannot rave enough about them.
Stephanie O' Regan,
Thurles, Co. Tipperary November 2010
Welcome Moogoo Ireland,
Billy from Crumlin in Dublin has been using Moogoo scalp cream for 2 weeks with great results in his scalp and facial skin and cannot believe the difference in such a short period of time and would highly recommend it to everyone with skin problems.
Thanks Moogoo September 2010
Hi all at Moo Goo Headquarters,
I have been using your shampoo and conditioner for about 8 months now and the difference it has made to my life has been incredible. I somehow developed a pretty bad scalp problems which resulted in a very sore, itchy, flaking, weepy, inflamed scalp (doesn't that sound like fun!) which also came hand in hand with quite a lot of hair loss due to the inflamed hair folicles. I was using lotion on my scalp daily for about 6 months and every time I tried to stop, the condition came back just as bad as before. I used countless shampoos all including harsh chemicals which did nothing to help my problem. I also saw about 3 different doctors who all told me that my only help would be the lotion. I was also doing a lot of research in to my condition on my own and read that using lotions for a long periof of time could result in some pretty nasty . The whole thing was causing me a lot of and embarrasment and uncomfort.
One day when I was at my wit's end I went in to another health store (I'd already been to a few with no luck!) and noticed the Moo Goo stand. I read the pamphlet and then went home that night and looked at your website. The stories from your users were amazing and I decided I had to try this wonder goo. The next day I went back to the health store and stocked up on some shampoo and conditioner and also some of the eczma cream (as the dematitis had now also started to appear on a few other areas on my body). I used the cream every day and the shampoo and conditioner every second day.. I no longer need to use the cream but still use the shampoo and conditioner all the time and my scalp has never been healthier! All my hair has grown back and it's looking healthy and lovely. I've told everyone who will listen to me about your product and I can't thank you enough.
Good luck with everything you do in the future and please continue to make your great products for people like me!!!
Emma (TAS)
Thanks for the email. I have been using the cream for about 5 days now.
I have had acne since i was 12. I am 39 now. I
I am now 15 weeks pregnant and my skin got really bad in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and only calmed down a little over the last couple of weeks. So - i was keen to find a new solution to try as i have to stay away from the harsh creams. My skin is now (since 12 weeks preg) more dry and trying to treat acne with creams and use moisturiser was proving to be a real tricky procedure. When i saw your newsletter with this idea that the treatment could also be moisturising - i thought - that is for me!
I have to say - since i have used the moogoo cream twice a day - i have had no new break outs of acne and it seems to have calmed the exisiting issues. I still have red marks and I know that your product isn't intended to help with scarring at all but that would be amazing - if someone came up with something that could help my skin recover from the acne. I really like the cream as something good to put on my skin and i think that it is helping to keep spots at bay - hard to say as i am sure my hormones are changing all the time too but i am happy to keep using the moogoo cream to feed my skin and prevent new outbreaks if they are still lurking there!
my mother says her skin cleared up during pregnancy for good - finger's crossed this eventually happens to me......in the mean time - i have already recommended your cream to others.
I hope that helps. and if you do have any ideas for the red marks - i would love to hear from you..
Emma S
Thank you so much for your generous gift of the eye serum. It made such a huge difference to the and puffiness under my eyes. Within 3 days of using it - I was able to under my eyes had decreased, and I used scalp cream in my eyelids as recommended by the team which helped the coming from my eyelids.
Moogoo is my in so many ways. I count my every day for being able to access and benefits of all the Moogoo products every day.
Thank you again for such a wonderful product. I am counting the days till your tinted lipbalm and sunscreen comes out.
Lots of love,
Hana Brown xo
I purchased the cream for my son, who is just about to do HSC and has a formal coming up.
He is prone to breaking out during stress and they are nasty buggers too…
Anyway he had a huge one on his forehead, instead of squeezing, he cleansed his face, applied the acne cream and soon it was gone…..
, so I highly recommend your cream to my friends and will continue to use for my other 2 sons.
Thank you for great products, I use your anti-ageing cream, its beautiful.
Thanks again,
Fiona Botella
Daughter has sensitive skin and we have been using Moo Goo eczema cream for a year. She has found this to be very helpful. We have now tried the acne cleansing cream as all the other treatments she has previously tried have dried her skin out or have made her nauseated. the acne cream is great. She is washing mostly twice a day and then applying acne cream - it has been very beneficial - only using for 1 week so far.
thank you Fiona Harris =
Dear MooGoo!
As you may have already guessed I am somewhat vain about my appearance & MooGoo MSM has improved it tremendously! I have had an itchy scalp & all the nasty crustiness which went with it. No matter what I tried it returned within 24 hours. It nearly drove me . My family said I did not need that to do that!
I also had Roscrea, or something spelt like that, on my nose on which I used Cream which only sort of worked.
Along comes MooGoo Scalp Cream.
The result: Itchiness & crusty muck is better. The Roscrea thingy on my nose has also completely disappeared. My next purchase will be MooGoo Shampoo!
Thank you so much for this Wonderful, product!
I just hope that some big pharmaceutical company does not come along & make you an offer you can’t refuse & then, as they always do, claiming to “Improve” it, completely destroy it.
Robert Mc, SA – a Very Happy 73-year-old!!!
I was listening to the radio (Triple J in Melbourne) and a lady called and mentioned your company and a product about helping eczema. I don't get eczema (luckily) but I was really curious about this Moogoo!
I went to your website and loved what you were all about. So I ordered the Oil Cleansing Method and the Acne Cleansing Cream straight away.
I have been using both products for a couple of weeks now and I absolutely love them! My skin type is combination, with slight break outs on my face (usually around my chin and above my neckline). I also get breakouts on my chest and back so I love getting in the bath and letting the oil soak into all my pores. Both my bf and I have noticed a huge improvement in my skin especially on my back and chest which bothered me the most.
Once a week I will have a bath and really soak in the Oil and afterwards apply the cleansing cream. I will also leave a warm face cloth of my face as recommended. Every other day I shower and wash my face with the Oil and then apply the cleansing cream before applying any make up etc...
My skin looks much more even, toned and feels really soft and clean. Usually throughout the day my face (T- zone) feels oily but I have not had this since using your products :)
I am so happy with Moogoo and I'm grateful that I randomly heard the lady talking on the radio that day!
Keep up the amazing work guys esp. for people like me who suffer from low confidence because of skin issues. Your products really are helping people feel and look so much better!
Thanks so much, Regards Emma xx :)
Dear MooGoo,
Here are five good things about you lot:
1. The products work
2. They are affordable
3. All natural (no worrying!)
4. Brilliant customer service
Thanks so much for everything - the shampoo, creams, lip balm and deodorant. My family and I (suffering psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis throughout our lives) are very appreciative and now customers for life :)
(Kitty, NSW)
I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with your products, have been using them for over a week now and have noticed a difference in my skin, have always had sensitive, very dry skin and have struggled to find products that work....these are BRILLIANT!!! Love, love, love them all! Will definitely be a very happy and regular customer
Julie, NSW
Thank You for this great product called MOO GOO funny name with out of this results - words just can't express how happy I am to find a product that doesn't make my eyes water, irritate my skin or makes me so itchy that I could scream. Many of my friends are trying MOO GOO and like me they are "WOW what is this stuff - it is great" and like me they are not going back - it is MOO GOO or nothing.
I discovered MOO GOO while reading a health book in the waiting room of my chiropractor - she too is using MOO GOO after I told her about you.
Wouldn't it be good if the world was MOO GOO - , natural, healthy.
Thank you so very much –
Donna, VIC
I work for a well known women's health and beauty magazine so I am fortunate enough to have access to some amazing skin care products. Recently though, I have been suffering from breakouts of acne and clogged skin and despite trying a number of 'acne' cleansers and products nothing seemed to work.
More often then not I found these products harsh and drying.
That was until my mum (mum's always seem to know best) caught wind of your products and gave me some of your oil cleanser to try. I will admit that at first using an oil to wash my face felt very foreign and I was concerned it would cause further breakouts. But to my surprise your cleanser has worked on my skin - the acne is all but gone and my skin feels hydrated and healthy!! I am so impressed with the oil cleanser and I have now purchased your udder cream as well. Not only do your products work but they're also very affordable - especially considering the price of some skin care brands these days. Whenever anyone compliments me on my skin these days I'm always quick to give you guys the credit.
Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Yours in glowing skin,
To the lovely Moogoo crew.
Your products are truly all that you and your fans proclaim and more! I have been blessed with lovely skin but it has cost me a fortune to keep it this way, having now graduated to expensive products for mature age skin. After reading your ad in a Reader's Digest I visited your delightful website, liked what I read and decided to order some products. Since using the anti-aging face cream, apart from how good it feels, what has amazed me the most is that the brown age spots which were beginning to emerge on my face and neck totally faded over a few weeks... a bonus I never expected. I am applying it to my hands and arms twice daily and the spots are gradually fading. My husband has contended with dry itchy scalp for most of his adult life having tried virtually every lotion and shampoo on the market with great frustration. Since using the Moogoo products his scalp has cleared up . Needless to say we are both totally converted to your products which I have now sourced at a nearby pharmacy, tho I was very impressed with the prompt service and the free sample from my first order online. We are encouraging our family and friends to change over to your natural products. Thank you Moogoo team. May your business continue to flourish for all the right reasons!
Shirley, WA
Hi, I have very bad skin caused by a few thing stress, bad eating habits as well as #@*! work and not been able to leave my face alone. I googled the internet on Friday and found some comments on your products, I purchased Moo Go on Saturday 24 hours later my face is perfect I cant believe it. Thanks very much.
Debbie, NSW
"Keep talking please...we love it"! :)
Hi there! I bought your anti-ageing cream ages ago, and use it a bit here and there, becuase I have another moisuriser which I like more - sorry, no offence - but in the last few days, I used your anti-ageing cream continuously (too slack to go to the other room to get my good one), and my skin looks absolutely stunning! Urgh - bit annoying when I paid twenty dollars more for my 'good one', haha. But yes, I just wanted to tell you that from now on, I won't let moisturiser prejudice get in the way of recognising an effective and fantastic cream :) thanks a lot!
Hi Moo Goo !
I just wanted to say thanks for the amazing products. For years I have suffered from extremely dry 'sandpaper' elbows and those annoying bumps on the back of my arms. After 2 days of using the skin milk you can no longer sand the floor with my elbows and after about a week those pesky bumps on the back of my arms were gone.
My daughter has also just reached that age where she needs deodorant and I have had many reservations about her using aluminum deo, as I myself have had problems with breast lumps. Your deo cream being all natural has taken some of this worry off my shoulders and it works amazingly.
I just purchased the anti aging skin cream too - I think I'm an addict. :)
Thanks again-Janice
I have been using this product for about two weeks now - I am sold! i even use your hair conditioner - pea size amount as a hand moisturiser. I have very sensitive skin but am able to use your soaps to wash makeup off without any reactions. Brilliant products! love them!
i will reccomend them to everyone i know!
I recently purchased some of your products after reading about you in G Magazine. It has driven me to source natural body products, something I have always been interested in but always found so confusing. What actually is good and what is not?. Finally someone who speaks my language! After using the skin milk udder cream on my face, I truly feel as if I have had a mini face lift, find myself constantly checking the mirror as confirmation and it has taken a good couple of weeks to accept that the face I touch is in fact mine!
My previously saggy oily skin with bags under my eyes is soooo soft and the bags are gone, the skin is tighter and non shiny. I now go out without any makeup at all just a bit of moogoo lippy. My son actually told me my skin feels like 'Cooper's' a friend of his.
To the Moo Goo Team I am writing to let you know what a wonderful product you have. This is the first time I've ever written to a company about their product but I just had to say thank you for a sensational product. I used the Udder cream for my eczema and it cleared it up in a matter of days. I now use the product as a moisturiser as well and am using the soaps too. Congratulations on a superb product. I wish you all the success in the world.
One of my wonderful friends gave me a hamper this Christmas with MooGoo Udder Cream and a cake of soap, she purchased these from a little store in Balhanna in the Adelaide Hills, she knew nothing about the product however because I live on a farm the Cow pictures sold her, since using these products I have not had a spot of eczema since. I searched our town Mount Gambier to stock up when I started getting low & couldnt find it anywhere our town motto is to 'Shop Local First', I went online to order more and I was so happy with how quickly I received my package and the wonderful sample enclosed. Keep up the fantastic customer service and products, finally no hidden chemicals or cortisone creams ...... I am what you would say an accidental over the moon happy client who will be letting everyone know of your product. Thank you very much.
Carolyn, SA
Shampoo and Conditioner:
Eczema cream:
This is fabulous when your eczema breaks out in sores or when you’re skin is very inflamed – it really calms it down, smells nice and isn’t sticky. I use it on myself, my four year old and my newborn.
Scalp cream
This is a wonderful, soothing cream for the diaper area for newborns, it smoothes and gets rid of the diaper rash as well as yeast like inflammation with pustules that babies get often. It works within hours of application: a must for every change table! Thanks for making great products.
Amanda. LA
Hello! I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with your shampoo and conditioner. It's better than anything I have used before... and I have used every single brand known to mankind lol ... I went into my local health food store and explained that I had just tried some organic shampoo's and my hair had turned to straw! They recommended trying Moo Goo.... OMG this stuff ROCKS! It's the best my hair has ever been! Im going back now to get some anti ageing cream! Gotta get one of those T-shirts too.. so cute! :)
Sandi, Perth
I have been a loyal customer for many years now and just love LOVE your products - they me during my pregnancy! I am always recommending your products to family and friends. My new fav is the Eczema and Psoriasis Balm - it cleared up my partner's terrible case of Pityriasis Rosea rather quickly, and when I thought I was getting it too I used the cream immediately - stopped the rash !
Also, I love the new cream deodorant!
You mentioned in a recently newsletter that you might be creating a toothpaste - do it! My partner said you should call it "MOOthpaste" - haha.. Bet you've heard it/said it a million times before!
One question: Are you no longer making the milk wash and original shampoo (these have been staples in our bathroom so a little concerned)??
Anyway, thank you for making such wonderful products and I look forward to sampling any new products!
Kind regards, Marita
Hi. I just wanted to let you know how amazed I was with the excema and psoriasis balm. since my daughters were born i have tried to use natural products as much as possible, but i've never found anything that helped the dermatitis on my hands that wasn't full of all the nasty chemicals......so for a long time my hands have been SORE! I bought a tube of the moogoo yesterday and have used it times in the last hours and my hands are almost better, i can't believe it. sorry if this is boring but i'm really very happy right now! THANKS! by the way, this is a great website too.
Catherine, NSW
I am so grateful you make this cream.
I will certainly be telling everyone I know about these products.
Annette, QLD
I just want to say... wow!! When I first heard about MooGoo it was suggested to me by woman at the health food shop in my local area and I replied with 'no thanks, Milk and dairy products seem to irritate my eczema!!' But now I realise that MooGoo isn't made from milk or dairy products and I'm glad I eventually ended up buying a tube of your eczema cream. It worked! I went in to buy some more the other day and there was none left so I bought the MSM cream instead.! Thank you for your product.. I will suggest it to all my friends with skin problems. You should get one of those buttons on your web page that says 'tell my friend about this product' and comes up with an automated email to send to others and all i'd have to do is type in their email addresses. I'm not just saying this because I'm lazy, it'd prob ably generate alot more business.[Good idea! Employ that girl!]
Hi MooGoo
I thought I would let you know that I have been using your product; MooGoo Eczema & Psoriasis Balm. My son's skin has improved. It has taken the itchiness, redness and eczema away on his skin. Also, for your info, with the it looks to have taken the underlying spots away and just left the ones on top of his skin. And even they have improved. It's as though they come out, go red and go away, they have not spread. Maybe due the the fact that my son has not been scratching. I tell you they have improved heaps. Thank you so much. I will let you know how they go in another week if you like.
Regards, Nerradith
Dear Moogoo
I wanted to take the time and tell you how utterly thrilled I am at your products. I live in Scotland where heating is an essential part of life, and after having the coldest winter last year on record for nearly 50 odd years my skin was very dried out. I visited my family in Townsville in May this year and my sister told me to try Moogoo. I bought some cleanser and Skin Milk and initially thought it was nice. I have now used it all up and after three months of these products I am a complete advocate for Moogoo.
I have always used reputable skin care products, (Neal’s Yard, Dermalogica, L’occitane, Clarins … to name just a few) and I always wake up with tight dry skin, which needs moisturised immediately. When I wash my make up of at night, my skin is red and agitated. With Moogoo, my skin has been supple, never tight and completely nourished all day, especially in the morning.
I thought it would be difficult to order Moogoo products from Scotland, but I was delighted when my parcel arrived in 5 working days and the postage cost of $12.00 is less than what it would cost me to take a train into Edinburgh to buy skin care!
Your website is informative and user friendly, your P&H is fantastic and your products are simply wonderful. Thank you for the sample of Milk Wash in my order, I look forward to trying it tonight.
I wish you continued success in your business as you honestly deserve it.
Kind regards Rebecca
Not an enquiry, just couldn't find where to give positive feedback. :-) Your FRESH CREAM DEODERANT is a [edited due to regulations*] for my armpits. Seriously, I have tried aluminium free products before and they have never stopped the odour. This product is gentle and at the end of a day, to sniff my underarms and not smell odour is amazing!! I will be telling people about this product. I'm also in the process of trying your Shampoo and Conditioner as I have suffered with dandfruff for years and nothing has worked. If this does I'll let you know. Thanks for an amazing product. I'm very impressed!
Regards, Mel - Perth,
Hi MooGoo
Thought you might like some good morning cheer, arrived home from being away and raced down to Organic Belly yesterday, they are so impressed the product is walking of the shelf, obviously I wasn't the only person waiting for it to arrive in Port Macquarie. I think you can expect another order pretty soon, especially as word gets around. I bought all the body range and after using it just once must say I'm amazed, the anti aging cream feels so good I think it will take me backwards and I will look like a teenager Ha! Ha!
King Regards Ann
To the lovely Moogoo crew. Your products are truly all that you and your fans proclaim and more! I have been blessed with lovely skin but it has cost me a fortune to keep it this way, having now graduated to expensive products for mature age skin. After reading your ad in a Reader's Digest I visited your delightful website, liked what I read and decided to order some products. Since using the anti-aging face cream, apart from how good it feels, what has amazed me the most is that the brown age spots which were beginning to emerge on my face and neck totally faded over a few weeks... a bonus I never expected. I am applying it to my hands and arms twice daily and the spots are gradually fading. My husband has contended with dry itchy scalp for most of his adult life having tried virtually lotion and shampoo on the market with great frustration. Since using the Moogoo products his scalp has cleared up . Needless to say we are both totally converted to your products which I have now sourced at a nearby pharmacy, tho I was very impressed with the prompt service and the free sample from my first order online. We are encouraging our family and friends to change over to your natural products. Thank you Moogoo team. May your business continue to flourish for all the right reasons!
Shirley, Palmyra. WA
Hi there,
Just wanted to ask; can I buy the baby cows in any stores that stock moogoo or just online? I have an 10 month old chihuahua x toy foxy (named Bear, of course), who loves his "moomoo" and will fetch it on request, unfortunately moomoo has had about 45 repair jobs and is on his last legs.
Thanks for making moo goo; i can't shut up about it, everyone thinks i work for moogoo!
Hi Herd, I am not one to normally write to companies, but I felt compelled to tell you how happy I am with my MooGoo. I actually have tears of joy in my eyes as I write this, because your products have been absolute [edited due to regulations*] for me. I have suffered with 3 skin problems that have been problems for as long as I can remember- dermatitis (on the scalp, hands and face- exacerbated by the use of chemical soaps/ shampoos and cosmetics), mild acne (by no means uncommon but a massive blow to the self esteem), and the bane of my life, KP. But now thanks to your products (the shampoo, the conditioner, the milk moisturiser, the oil cleanser, the MSM cream and the eczema balm) my skin is amazing . I refuse to use anything else. Please please please never go anywhere or change! I love you guys, and I would kiss all your cows if I could!
We are officially now a Moo Goo family!
My brother first tried the creams for his (shaved) scalp, which is now healthy and no signs of problems. He then recommended my mum use the creams for her arms and legs. My mum's psoriasis was so bad, people used to think she had flour all up her arm. After trying every other product on the market she then tried moo gooI have since used the products for my scalp, ears, arms and legs. We can't believe how well it works. Keep up the good work.
The Barry's (WA)
I just wanted to say a big thanks to Karen who I spoke to on Friday 22/10. I was following up on an order from 13/10 and realised that I had made an error in the postcode that I provided with my order. Initially, Karen thought that we should give it a little more time for the order to either eventually make its way to my place or to make its way back to MooGoo, which was totally reasonable given that it had been my stuff up. But, a little while after our conversation, Karen called back and left a message to let me know that they would express post my order again in the meantime, given that I had already waited a week – yay! I received the express posted order today, and just wanted to say a massive thank you. If the original order eventually turns up I’ll return it to MooGoo, but it’s just great to have my order in the meantime. The shampoo has been amazing for my husband and as our existing bottle has been getting lower and lower he was threatening to return to ordinary shampoo, which would mean a return to being a snow head, so I’m really pleased that the replacement bottle is here!
Thanks again!
Dear MooGoo ,
Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful product your Eczema balm is...[We have had to edit this all out sorry Carole due to regulations, you said to many good things) Carole
Hi MooGoo
These are the pictures of Keira, at first everyone was just telling me it was hormone rash and would clear up but after 2 more months of waiting it never did. Keira also has cradle cap which also was on/around her eyebrows. I felt really rough like sandpaper, and dry too, but now her skin is all smooth and really nice to touch.
She was born on the 25th March so she is 3 months in these pics. The only editing was to remove red-eye, and you're more than welcome to use them on your website.
Thanks to all the hard working moogoo'ers and my sister in law for knowing about your products, Keira is silky smooth.
Kindest regards
Leah xxx
I had been battling with allergic reactions to conventional shampoos for a long time. My scalp was perpetually dry and itchy and every time i washed my hair my face would be red and bumpy for an hour after the shower. I was constantly searching for a shampoo that was gentle enough for my skin. I eventually found MooGoo and haven't really looked back. Right after the first wash i took a look in the mirror and i actually looked normal! No red patches of irritation on my skin at all. I have pursued with it for about a month now and my entire scalp is completely free from flaky dry skin. It is incredible. I am so happy to have finally found something that actually works!
I was first given your Eczema and Psoriasis Balm as a tester for my scalp, i loved it and have just gone and brought your full range!!! I just have one request!! Could you please make the Eczema and Psoriasis Balm in a bigger tub!!
Thanks so much for your great products!! =]
Kind regards
I found your product at the chemist last week and can not believe the changes in my scalp. I have suffered for decades from psoriasis on my scalp and ears and finally I have gone through an entire day without being itchy or scratching. MooGoo is a [edited due to regulations*]
hey there MOOGOOERS! Our family has been loving your products (udder cream and more recently the eczema and psoriasis balm) for the last few months. Our son has suffered from the effects of eczema for most of his life. Our boy is now 6 years old and over the last year the eczema flared up again and we were determined to tackle the problem differently, your creams have helped ; no longer do we have to look at deep-red, weeping blotches of skin on his arms and behind the knees, rather just the pinkish tint of the eczema as it seems to be slowly receding. However, his entire body needs to be covered in the balm at the moment 3 times a day and honestly it's rather expensive buying those tiny little tubes of it. Certainly we are not opposed to buying your products, we love them, rather is it possible to buy the Eczema and Psoriasis Balm in larger quantities? Thanks for taking the time to consider our case and thanks again for the wonderful products.
Dear MooGoo,
Less than one week ago I received my order of your Full Cream Moisturiser.
I apply it morning and at night, and even though it's only been a few days, many people have remarked to me how " beautiful, smooth and radiant " my face is.
Some even asked if I'd undergone a procedure or had injections.
At 53 years of age I'm now the very proud owner of lovely, healthy, soft skin - so much so that people such as my friends and family say I look years younger !!!!!!!
What a wonderful Testament to your wonderful Product !!!
I can't thank you enough except to say I'm your customer for life, and of course will be placing further orders with you and recommending your wonderful Products to everyone I talk to.
Many thanks also for the lovely cake of Goat's Milk Soap you kindly sent me - I'll be putting that on my shopping list as well !!! Sending you all at MooGoo my heartfelt thanks and warmest wishes,
I recently purchased you Eczema & Psoriasis Balm & Scalp cream for the eczema i have on my hands, torso, face, neck, hairline - I have been suffering an insane itch for over a year, and even though I use soap free products, (I've tried everything).. n.. until my mum told me about a friend of hers who uses MooGoo... I was willing to try anything - and did... wow - what a difference... my hands, which had the worse and most painful eczema - have nearly cleared up after only 5 days of using your fabulous creams !!! Thanks MooGoo... you have a new friend for life !
Hello Moogoo people, I received not one but 2 sample creams - thanks so much. My daughter had relief from the dermatitis on her scalp by using the shampoo and conditioner. She is years old and has had the condition since she was about . We have tried all sorts of products to relieve the stingy itch and your shampoo and conditioner did the trick nicely. We applied the scalp cream as soon as it arrived and the cream soothed the red welts on the back of her neck and base of the scalp. The welts have since become just dry flakey skin which I have no doubt will improve with time. Thanks again for your promptness and I will recommend your products to my friends and family.
I received my cream yesterday. I put some in my left ear when the cream arrived, (and none in my right ear). I did the same late last night and this morning. I cannot believe that for the first time in 20 years I have an ear free of flaking. My right ear still has it and has suffered in the interests of science. I can't wait to go home and put some cream in that one as well. HOW DO YOU DO IT??? (I really didn't believe before!) Thank you, thank you.
Wife's cupboard is full of hair product
None are working, so what to do
I found my long lost angel
Peace at last, thank you Moo Goo!
Her scalp feels great, not like before
Hair wonderful, doesn't make her shudder,
I've thrown out all the other products
It's not this or that, but the udder!
She wanted her hair to feel like silk,
Found Moo Goo, makes her feel better.
This is the truth, yes of course, no bull....
Your product deserves this mooving letter.
Princesses used to have milk baths
Your idea and progress very very clever,
No more will she have a cow of a day,
Peace for me will last for heifer and heifer.
Lyn Edmonds Hubby
I bought some of your scalp cream two weeks ago (by the way your mail order is fantastically efficient and thanks for the trial tub) to use. My scalp was badly affected, but after two days of using the cream it was beginning to clear. I was applying the cream every night and within a week my scalp had cleared. Thanks you so much and I hope I've found a product I can use for the rest of my life!
Sallyanne, QLD
I thought you might like to know this. I took the MSM cream home to apply on the kids. Hana (she is 3) has particularly dry and scaly bumpy skin. I applied the cream on her in the morning before dressing her up in her winter gear! That night, my husband was undressing her for the shower and screamed my name out loud. I thought "oh my god, she's had an allergic reaction". I quickly rushed to them and said "what's wrong what's wrong?" Eugene said "what did you put on her legs? The bumps are gone and her legs are so smooth!" I couldn't believe that in application, this was possible! I have since introduced the cream to my in-laws that has passed on the sensitive skin genes down to my children. They cannot stop raving about it. (It takes a lot to impress my in-laws.)
Kind regards,
i just wanted to say thank you. you have saved my sanity. i have had a rash under my arms for 6 months i couldn't wear deodourant because it was irritating (and living in cairns it wasnt a pleasant thing when you cant wear deodorant and sweat) anyway 2 days after i used the msa cream that i brought off you website no rash nothingyou would never have known that the was anything wrong now i can wear dresses again with out sleeves i want to thank you i also brought you anti ageing cream and psoriasis cream as i also suffer with that and well all i can say is where have you been all my life the anti aging cream has done wonderes i am a chef and burtn my face with hot oil 2yrs ago and since then have had severeflaking and redness on my forhead and nose and cheeks but 3 days aft.. (ed.rest of email was cut off due to word count on website form)
Miranda, QLD
Hi! I've been reading about your products for a while now, I first discovered them being discussed on the forums at dogzonline.com.au and then again at vogue.com.au. I finally tried them out for myself and was so excited to find out my local supplier (Healthy Life at Brookvale) had Moogoo! I bought the Udder Cream and after much success with the dry patches on my face, I'll be getting the shampoo and body wash next! So thanks so much for the fantastic products, they completely live up to everything I've read! I just had one little suggestion for the website, which I think would be a great addition for curious people like myself. I'd love to see something on the process of making the different products and maybe some photos of your workplace too.
Thanks again,
Thank you, your products are great!! My 14 month old son has eczema all over his body, mainly on his stomach and back, and he was scratching and having very restless nights until we tried the eczema balm, MSM cream and milk wash, I have been applying the products for a week now and he has stopped scratching almost completely and the rash is slowly disappearing, he is also sleeping much better at night, thank you.
Nachelle NSW.
Unbelievable!! After hearing about the very good results on various skin conditions, I gave a tub of your ' cream' to my daughter - she has a 5 month old baby who has just started getting eczema, just a little bit behind her little chubby knees - but enough to worry my daughter. Would you believe she used the cream {edited}t! Thanks so much for a wonderful product - we will trying the others in due course, cheers
Hello MooGoo,
I had to write to you about how you have saved my husbands itchy flaky scalp! In all the years I have known my husband (15yrs) he has had this scalp problem. No matter what we tried, and that was a lot of products, nothing seem to work as well as your shampoo and conditioner! We are just so happy we have ordered the same again. Thank you so much for what you have done for us.
On another note, my nephew had pretty bad acne being a growing teenager. He was using a well known brand from the tv, but it didn't seem to help him much, so I decided to try him on the cleanser and udder cream.
After just 2 weeks, the acne has cleared on his nose and has started clearing over his face! It has really seem to calm the inflammation and he is very happy. He will be continuing to use it until I get him another batch!
I am just so pleased with what your products have done for us, that I am now going to try the shampoo, conditioner and eczema cream on my dog, who suffers quite severely from skin irritation. It is so bad that he has bald patches from his constant scratching. Will keep you posted!
Thank you so much!
Adriana, VIC
Hi Moogooers,
We received our parcel of goodies and started using your products straight away. In 3 days our sons head had cleared up. He's had psoriasis so bad that he would be in tears.
Your products are the best that we have ever used and we are so grateful that we came across moogoo. Our son can run his hands through his hair like any other person. He can get a hair cut without . These things that anyone who hasn't had psoriasis takes for granted . Thank you once again and our family is now a moogoo products family.
Russell, SA
Hi Herd
We absolutely love your products and just can’t get enough of it.
As a mum of two boys (one has light eczema and the other one is only 3 months old) I’m really looking for good products to put on my baby’s skin. I recently tried the shampoo and it is fantastic. Also the eczema cream seems to help a lot more than any other creams – especially when it gets spread all over the floor by my 2 year old one.
...So now to get to the point...can you make more products that are especially for babies? I would be certainly a good customer!!! Thanks so much for making great products and I hope to see more of it in the future. (Ed: All our products are just as gentle for babies as adults.)
MooMoo, Eve
Dear Moogoo,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! My 3 year old daughter has been suffering from eczema since she was 5 months old. I
I have also had her allergy tested, then put her on a diet of certain foods. Still did not see any improvement. Then i heard about moogoo, so that was the next thing to try on my list.
I decided to try your shampoo and conditoner first as my daughter was also starting to suffer from a really dry scalp. After the 4th wash, i was amazed. No more dry scaly scalp. Since the shampoo and conditoner worked so well. I definatly decided to try your cream. I put it on her that night after she had a shower and when she woke the next morning I was AMAZED. It had made her eczema nearly disappear. I couldn't believe out of everything i have tried, within 24 hours this cream had improved her skin where her eczema was so bad. I have only been using the msm cream for week now and I can't wait to purchase your other products to use on my daughters skin. Especially the eczema and psoriasis balm.
Thank you so much. NO MORE !
Lacey qld
Hi Herd,
Just wanted to write and say I am officially ADDICTED to your udder creams. I ordered the skim milk first, but loved it too much, so went off to a health food store which stocks your stuff and bought the full cream and anti-aging varieties. Now my skim milk travels with me everywhere, and I am continuously applying it to my hands, face and legs just to keep the scent on me, and the full cream stays at home to be applied liberally after every shower. I'm 23, and don't need an anti-aging product, but it's just a great face cream, and I use it as an eye cream too. I just CANNOT rave enough. I'm seriously a customer for life, so I really hope you guys will be around forever!
Made another stop at the health store and picked up the conditioner and goat milk soap, and I can't wait to try them (luckily they didn't have the milk wash, or I would have bought it too!)
Thanks so much for the awesome products, will continue using them forever.
Hi there...
I am a mother of three children, ranging in age from 12 to 4. I have been dealt the crawl blow of my son having atopic eczema since a few months old. The list is endless as to what you try as a parent!!
Recently my son Zahne who is 8 has just started his first session of desensitization. He has a massive amount of air born allergies which require a lot of attention. His skin has also began to thin due to prolonged use of creams. A very good friend of mine gave me your web site and told me to have a look, highly recommending the eczema cream. We have now just finished using the eczema and psoriasis balm and I am amazed at the results, not only is his skin from all redness, we have not even had a breakout now for two weeks!! I am so amazed at the results that I have a tear in my eye typing this!! I have just ordered our second amount of cream and will also try the milk bath. Thank you so much for finely giving my son the freedom of soft skin for the first time in many, many years.
I will be recommending you to our dermatologist, and every other person who has a skin disorder.
Kind Regards Tamara & Z, SA
What's that shiney thing you're holding?
Hi Moo-Goo Gurus!
Gotta tell you There aint nothing out there better than Moo-Goo!. I've been raving, RAVING I TELL YOU!!! I go into pharmacies and tell them so they'll stock it for other people to get the same relief as I've had. I told my Dermatologist so he can recommend it to others too. NWhen the skin is constantly moist, there's less peeling and flaking, therefore less itching and pain. I can go about my day without having to live and breathe my awful condition.
Half a tub of the MSM cream was first given to me by my sister-in-law to try, as I had given up buying & trying new creams ages ago. I loved it, but ran out before I could replace it unfortunately. I then found your website and ordered my Moo-Goo Psoriasis & Excema Cream, MSM cream, MIlk wash & Goats milk soap. My hands & feet were once again dry and angry, I was hangin out for the order to arrive, and it did just 3 days later. Moo-Goo is non-greasy, nice smelling, all natural, and does what it says it will do, you gotta love it! I'll continue to spread the word, it's great stuff.
By the way, we love your website and those beautiful cows, they're gorgeous!
Thank goodness for my sister-law-law, Heather, and Moo-Goo. Thank you!
Caroline, QLD, Aust
Dear Moo Goo,
I should have written to you about 6 mths ago but I've been so busy living life that I haven't gotten around to it. I have been applying many different creams o my daughters skin and it's taken up a lot of our time. Her eczema was so bad I was even slathering her in creams whilst she slept. The only part of her body that was not effected by eczema was her face.
It was heartbreaking.I was literally tearing my hair out looking for an answer. I was getting very upset with our doctor and couldn't work out why there was nothing on the market that could help us. I then stumbled across your website after reading a few stories on a parenting forum. Our lives were changed forever. I purchased the MSM Soothing Cream and the Eczema Balm. It didn't happen straight away but I persisted as she didn't have an immediate adverse reaction (as she had to other creams). We've been using the MSM Soothing Cream since December 2009 and I'm over the moon to say that her skin is the most beautiful it has ever been. I've gone from having a little girl at the start of the year that was embarrassed to start Kindy because of her eczema and thought the other kids would tease her to a little girl that runs up to me and says "look how lovely my skin looks!". Unbelievable! Sooo, my suggestion would be a big bottle of MSM Soothing please! The tubs just aren't cutting it for us. We use it twice a day and I basically empty the shelves of our local health food store when I make a purchase!
We also combine the MSM Soothing with the Milk Wash and your Shampoo & Conditioner.
Thank you so very much Moo Goo!
Kind regards,
Nic (Castle Hill NSW)
I work in Pharmacy and do the buying for the stock. I have recently purchased the product and now can honestly say i am now a Moo Goo ADDICT!! I have overly sensitive skin and after years of using "organic", "natural" products (which cost a fortune) i was ready for a change.. You guys rock! Within 3 days of using the Combination Oil Cleanser and Anti Aging Moisturiser my skin is not red, irritated, itchy, its amazing. The product feels like heaven. I have had so many comments in 3 days about my stunning skin (from absolute strangers too) its truly amazing. I get excited at shower time just because I know I can use my Moo Goo!! Sounds silly, but hey, when finally something finally works and makes me glow, Im excited!! Any chance of an exfoliator??!! Honestly, LOVE YA WORK!!
Just wanted to say Thank you!! What fantastic products. I went down to my local health food store to buy your product, your stock just walks out the door. I heard customers talking about how great your creams are. It is so good to see affordable, quality products that are Australian made. Great job guys!
I don't often provide feedback, but in this case I really felt it was necessary to do so.
I am so so very impressed with the products we ordered and received from you so promptly yesterday. My mum and I really enjoyed not only the purchasing process - reading your detailed comments on each product, but also the fantastic array on offer.
I have already used my anti-ageing moisturiser, deodorant and lip balm and I can honestly say that I love each one. I have tried every deodorant on the market now and none have provided me with the same dry, non-sticky feeling at the end of the day.
The lip balm is also working wonders compared to the paw paw ointment I have been slathering on for so long.
I am also delighted with the moisturiser and definately will not be opting for the high-end designer brands I have previously purchased in the past.
I am looking forward to testing out the shampoo and conditioner and have great confidence that we will be equally as impressed as I am with the products I have tried thus far.
I will be spreading the word and definately coming back again so thank you for your honest, high quality products and excellent service.
Yours faithfully,
HI MooGoo
I just wanted to get in touch again. My 14 mth old girl has quite bad dermatitis on her back. It started with just a tiny spot that has grown to cover maybe two thirds of her back over a period of 2 - 3 months.
I purchased this cream yesterday, got it home at 11:30am, and by [edited due to regulations] I could see an improvement! I had probably applied it 2 - 3 times yesterday & twice this morning at nappy changes. Her rash is no longer fiery red. It still has a way to go, but it already looks so much better!
Thank you so much. In a week I have gone from having only just heard (herd?!) of your products to now owning 4 of them! I think I may be addicted!
Thank you again, and if my baby girl could, she would say a big thank you too!
Hi just want to say I love your new roll on deo, I have tried so many aluminium free deo's that promise they are effective and they end up not being any use, but yours is great and the skin under my arms to so soft now also. I was sceptical when I saw you mention it could be reapplied if necessary as if its necessary to reapply then it means it hasnt worked and if is hasnt worked then before reapplying any deo you need to wash/freshen up and in the middle of a working day thats not always possible, but I was so pleased its really effective even during a hot busy day, thank you sooooo much :) oh I must mention about the wording on your deo label, its says to apply to wet the skin but as I also use your msm cream and that has to be applied to wet skin which is unusual, when I first read the deo label I misread it and thought it too had to be applied to wet skin, I dont think its necessary to say that as any roll on will wet your skin when you put it on, anyway just some feedback.
A friend recently let me try some Moo Goo cream for my Eczema which was painful and embarassing. It was the best thing I have ever used. I promptly looked up your site, read it from top to toe and ordered up a storm. Looking forward to receiving it. Just a thought....I have been telling anyone that will listen about your stuff and thought that perhaps you could have a Facebook page. Might help to spread the word a little more. Thank you. Keep up the good work. You are my saving grace.
Lea, WA
I just wanted to say - I LOVE MOO GOO. Since I was 11 Cows have been my favourite animals, so you can imagine my reaction to seeing a MooGoo add! It smells sooo nummy, my partner is always telling me he loves the smell and that I should work for MooGoo, because I never shut up about it.
Several people will be receiving MooGoo products for x-mas this year. Thanks for making a delicious product and thank you sooo much for using images of adorable moo cows.
Alison, 20 years young, QLD
I just wanted to say what a fabulous product moogoo is! my husband uses the eczema cream with great results and I just love the milk wash and the face cream. recommended to me by a friend(I could see the results on her face!) and now I recommend it to everyone I know. good quality stuff thats affordable!! well done to all involved.
Hi MooGoo
Many thanks for my order which I received this morning! I applied the deodorant as soon as I opened it (because I realised that I forgot to do that this morning....I have found you can do that with 2 little boys demanding attention!), so far so good. I can’t wait to email you with the results of my trial with your deodorant!
Thank you for the extra little gift of the sample milk soap...very surprised and very happy to give that a go, as I really do prefer the goats milk soap and natural soaps to the general popular brands.
Very well packaged and presented products... posted with great care also.
All the best to your team,
Kind regards, Jennifer
Hi just want to say I love your new roll on deo, I have tried so many aluminium free deo's that promise they are effective and they end up not being any use, but yours is great and the skin under my arms to so soft now also. I was sceptical when I saw you mention it could be reapplied if necessary as if its necessary to reapply then it means it hasnt worked and if is hasnt worked then before reapplying any deo you need to wash/freshen up and in the middle of a working day thats not always possible, but I was so pleased its really effective even during a hot busy day, thank you sooooo much :) oh I must mention about the wording on your deo label, its says to apply to wet the skin but as I also use your msm cream and that has to be applied to wet skin which is unusual, when I first read the deo label I misread it and thought it too had to be applied to wet skin, I dont think its necessary to say that as any roll on will wet your skin when you put it on, anyway just some feedback.
Just wanted to pass on to you how delighted I am with your SMS soothing cream and goats milk soap. I've been using them for the past few months now and they're really brilliant! My skin is prone to breakouts and other irritations but your soap and cream have calmed my skin down so much, and the best of the best, it's all natural. Love it! I also use your lip balms as well. They're great too. So lovely to apply. I've always got one handy where ever I go. Please keep these products on the market. Don't know what I'd do if they were to disappear!
Thanks again.
Hi there to the MooGoo team.
Just wanted to let you know that we,here in Tauranga,New Zealand just love the products we have received from your company.
I have now started getting the excema balm for my elderly neighbour,who has had many problems with her skin.She is thrilled with the balm and wishes me to get her more with my next order.
I ordered the first lot for my Grandson,who had bad excema and the balm and MSM cream helped tremendously. His Mum now orders it on a regular basis from you.(Nikki Valois,from Auckland). We have the balm.the MSM,the lip balm,the milk wash and the deodorant. The team forgot to put my soap sample in the parcel,but that's fine,I'm sure it is a fine product as well.Maybe next order,you could pop one infor us to try.
Many thanks for discovering such an awesome collection of products,we love them and we be staying with them permanently. Cheers to you all,
I would like to kindly THANK YOU for your incredible products.
Yesterday I purchased your anti-ageing cream and milk cleanser with all 3 of your soaps. The cleanser and moisturiser is truly beautiful and highly effective. It almost repaired my skin instantly even after using it twice. I had been using too many harsh chemicals on my face and have caused seriously dry skin to an already dry skin. I can't wait to use the soaps; the entire bathroom smells delicious. Thank-you again and please don't stop making your brilliant products. xo
Hi staff at MooGoo, I justed wanted to give you some feed back about your products. I brought the full milk udder cream, soap & cream from a Health store & online. The msm cream was very good as I had a rash on my leg and now it has almost faded away and is not itchy. I had tried other products, but they did not seem to work. The full milk cream is good too. It is very gentle for the face and body. Will you be making a cream for extra dry skin - in the future.? (similar to the udder cream). I hope that your products will become availble in more stores - in the future
Would like to share a funny story about your udder cream.! I purchased your udder cream a few weeks ago and have had a dramatic difference with my skin. I noticed some dry patches of skin on my legs and decided to apply my udder cream. Sitting at the table after applying it had to continually chase my dog from licking my leg. This went on for ages and i finally applied some on my hand and allowed the dog to lick there instead of my leg. He licked my hand clean and sat waiting for more. This went on until I squeezed a small amount into my hand and gave to him. This morning i found my empty tube with the bottom section chewed and completely empty. I showed it to the dog and he just sat down as if waiting for more! he has no nasty side effects, just a yearning for more! not only is this a fantastic product for human skin but my dog loves it as well !! (I do hope you can see the funny side to this?) thanks.
Hi. I have just placed an order for your products for my son who has had a transplant. One of the parents of another child gave me a sample "blob" of the psoriasis and eczema cream - I tried it on his hand and within I could see a difference. He has had such a huge problem with skin rashes and allergic reactions to , medications, tapes and dressings - I am hoping I have found the answer to his problems. He is currently extremely itchy, and - his has further dried his skin out -and it is peeling in sheets.
I would truly appreciate it if you could send these products to me as soon as possible so I can try them all on my son and try to make him a little more comfortable.
Thank you.
Kindest Regards.
Comment: Just want to say THANK YOU for your beautiful Moo Goo products. I purchased the udder cream (full) and a cake of your soap (buttermilk) from DVC in Cronulla on Wednesday. I LOVE IT. My kids LOVE IT. My daughter is 18 months old and actually brings the tub of cream over to me to put it on. Their skin after the winter was pretty dry and its made them look just gorgeous. My own skin was having trouble after a "mineral facial" a few months ago, and purchasing products that were supposedly "natural" (and way more expensive than yours) - my face was bumpy, with breakouts (which I NEVER used to get) and blotchy dry patches. Seriously - I can't stop touching my face - its so smooth and lovely! I will tell all my friends about you! Great job...I can't wait to try out the milk wash and deodorant!
I received the replacement package today. Thankyou, I wasnt expecting the replacememnt of the whole order! that was very generous. I will not only be recommending your products to everyone but also your customer service. Thanks again and we look forward to using Moo goo well into the future :)
Warm regards
Hi There, just an email to let you know how happy i was with your products and service. I purchased some products last week as a birthday gift for my mum, as i had seen it in the health food shops and checked it out online. Mum was really pleased with MooGoo and is already getting some great results, especially as you had included a sample of the excema cream. Your service was really quick and the letter included for mum explaining the products (personally signed no less!) was a really nice touch and very helpful too. I now have plans to buy the products for myself and look forward to trying all your stuff! Thanks again
Hi all at Moogoo,
This is just a quick note to say I received the product today,that I ordered from you guys earlier this week. You enclosed a sample of the milk bath, which I think is just sensational!!! It was my first purchase from you guys but not my last,in fact, as soon as this email is sent I'm off to the web site to order more product!!
Once again, I think you guys are just great, and for the girls in the field a special message: moo, moo, moo, moo, moo. (trust me, they'll know what it means).
Being in customer service for a very long time, I have never had the pleasure of receiving such a prompt response in this day and age - and I can tell you it's so genuinely refreshing!
In regards to your products, I love them all, the creams, bath wash, etc - I have extremely curly hair and have been struggling for such a long time to get a product that is free from chemicals (I've had health issues so only use organic/natural products) - I shampoo my hair very infrequently but condition it daily, and your 'cream' conditioner is fantastic for girls with curly hair like mine - if you go onto any forum online to look at curly hair products in Australia, you'll be hard pressed to find any that aren't full of harmful chemicals - I went to the drastic measure of getting some products from the US a few months ago until I discovered your 'cream' - it really is great.
Thanks again.
Hello MooGoo
Thank you so much for your trial pot of MSM cream! I have very sensitive skin and my eczema was very painful and itchy. I was allergic to the cream that I ordered, the Eczema Balm and so I tried the MSM. It was so soothing!
I have given the balm to my Mum, as she is not so allergic and I know that it will help her eczema.
My friends are amazed and I told them about your Anti-ageing face cream as well. It is so lovely on my sensitive skin. The healthy glow remains all day!
Thank you for your lovely products. They do the job and they smell so good as well!
Dear MooGoo
I have now been using Moo Goo, MSM cream, Goat milk soap, Eczema & psoriasis balm, shampoo and conditioner since Mid Nov last year, 2009. My skin has improved dramatically and I'm so happy. I have struggles with eczema for 20 years (since I was 5) and since using Moo Goo products my skin is the best it has ever been.
Thank you for you help back in Nov.
I could give you cows a great big hug!!! I have a 10mth old son who has suffered with eczema since he was 8weeks old. For the past 5 months I have had to use a topical cream to keep his eczema under control.
This would break my heart as I didn't want to subject him to such a treatment but I couldn't stand to see him in so much discomfort and be at risk of getting infections. I actually tried the MooGoo Eczema cream about 3 months ago but it had little effect. I was so disappointed as I had heard so many good things about the product. But I have recently worked out a couple of my son's triggers (broccoli of all things!) and I have once again tried the MooGoo Eczema cream and his skin is looking great!!! I haven't had to use his cream for the past few days. The MooGoo Eczema cream seems to take the redness out of his 'hotspots' within and he must like the smell as he'll happily lay still whilst I rub it in.
Caroline, VIC
hi guys,
i got my then 18 month old daughter the eczema and psoriasis balm while on holidays at my parents, having forgotten the usual creams we were using. within a few weeks, we noticed a big improvement in her eczema and less skin dryness in general. even now, 7 months later, if i don't use it for a few days it starts to reappear, proving its effectiveness. i have just searched for a stockist in Dubbo (as mum has been sending it over lol) and will go for a sticky this week. having dry skin myself i may have to invest in some of my own moo goo! Thanks.
Hi There, I just wanted to say thank you so much for your products!
I originally bought them for my baby girl who had excema, which it cleared up in a few weeks and now we only have a break out when she eats something she shouldn't... We now use MooGoo for the whole family! Recently I was sunburnt whilst stuck on the side of the road with a broken down car - my lower legs were RED! I couldn't walk the next day, I was in ... I tried an Aloe Vera product containg a pain reliever and a spray containg the same stuff but I think I must of had a reaction to them as instead of relieving my pain and discomfort, it made it soooo much worse! My mum suggested using the cream - from the first application, my pain lessened, the burning eased, redness faded and I was able to walk! Within a few hours while I was still sore, I was able to wear clothing, walk and sleep without problems... It saved my sanity! I applied every few hours and it was blessed relief... Thank you MooGoo!!!
Just wanted to say THANKYOU for your product! I am absolutley amazed with the Eczema and Psoriasis cream. My 6 month old baby had terrible Ezcema behind one of her ears, which looked as if her ear was .....
i found Moo Goo helped her ear cleared up after using the cream 3 times a day for 9 days. I get right behind companies who are true to their word and I reccomend your product to everyone I can.
Thankyou again, you are one product that i will continue to use and certianly continue to advocate.
Tracey and baby Yumi :)
Hi guys, Thank you so much for producing a cream that my 7mth old doesnt react too. For 4mths now we have been throwing money away on creams he was allergic tooo and his eczema wasnt getting any better. Not even 2 days and its on the improve with your Eczema balm. I could cry im so relieved. My question is now...which moisturiser should i get for him...the Full Cream or Skim? He is super dry and very sensitive. THANK YOU XXX
Hi guys - just a quick note to let you know a grouse story. I am a MooGoo convert and have been for a little while. A friend of mine at mum's group (all our bubbas are 7 months-ish) has a GORGEOUS blossom who has an eczema type rash all over her head, which is really uncomfortable and itchy for her. She'd scratch til it bled, poor little one, so she had rash and little scratches everywhere. In my last MooGoo order I asked you if you'd supply a sample of what would be best for her, which you kindly did. The rash which covered this little bub's entire head has now pretty much gone.
My friend stopped using the cream, and it came back, and started using it again and it went again.
Thanks so much for all your great work. Ripper Queenslanders. Love the ad competition by the way. And the prize going to DWB or RSPCA. Love your work.
Hi MooGoo, Many thanks for your humble and amazing products. I cannot remember how I stumbled across them, but thank goodness I did. I have bought online and now our local pharmacy has it all in stock. My 13 year old son has suffered from eczema for a few years on his scalp.
We tried the milk shampoo for a month and it looked better each day! Then I purchased the scalp cream. Thank you MooGoo!!
We also wanted to let you know that last week we tried your Eczema and Psoriasis Balm on our 2 1/2 year old daughter who suffers from eczema. Her skin has been inflamed due to the dry whether of late so we bought a tube to try - and we were amazed at the results. After just days of use her normally dry, red and itchy skin had cleared up, along with the sores and scratches she had made all over her little body. She also has been sleeping through the night instead of waking up a number of times scratching and itching. Previously she could not be put to bed without wearing a body suit to stop the scratching of her trunk area, but she hasn't had to wear one for days. Her skin appears normal and clear again.
Since she was a very little baby we have been trailing many products with only marginal results. It is nice to have something other than creams that actually gives her relief. We will certainly continue using your product. Thanks again
James and Cameille
I have been using Full Cream at night, and the Anti-Ageing for day time for about 3 months. Recently I have have had so many people comment on how young I look that it is a bit embarrassing. I'm 43. My skin is definitely much smoother and softer, with less wrinkles. Highly recommend.
Hi There! I didn't even know about MooGoo until last night when I saw a thread from a lady raving about the products. So... I read everything on the web page, read everyone's letters and skipped to my local health food store this morning to buy some products. I went a little nuts and purchased the milk wash,anti ageing cream,eczema and psoriasis balm and the full cream moisturiser. Seeing as I am a typical cynic from Sydney, I thought these products will be lovely but won't have any real effect. Well how wrong was I, in fact I can't stop touching my face as I type this. My skin feels amazing. I was intentionally emailing in to ask what can I use around my eyes as I suffer from ezema on my eyelids from time to time. I used the anti ageing cream and the tingling I felt all afternoon on my eyelids (a sign the ezema wants to put on a show) has gone, completely gone which never happens.
So much for my glycolic acid skin care products...I should add ..rather expensive glyc olic acid products.
...(the next day)...I guess I got very excited with the email! The last bit just said I was paying alot for glycolic acid skin care products that have done nothing for me.
My sister said to me today that I look fantastic :D I wanted to ask though, are there any thoughts into bringing out a facial exfoliator? Now that would be lovely to use.
I am off to shout the word and plaster MooGoo all over my facebook page Thankyou again
Hi, I have only just started using your product, 7 days to be exact. I am using the face cleanser, the anti-ageing cream and the hand cream. My face feels amazing. I have even had a few comments on how good my face looks. I think I shall be using Moogoo for quiet a while and will recommend to friends and family.
Hi there, I just wanted to congratulate you on having a fantastic range of products. I have been using your face cream for some time and I think my skin is the healthiest its ever been. However, the most remarkable results have come from my dad - he has suffered from psoriasis for years and also has severe cracks and dryness on his hands in winter due to the cold and his skin's sensitivity. One week using your soothing cream completely cleared the problem up and he hasn't had it back - and it's been a while now! I was amazed at the results, particularly because he has used so many different products over the years with little or no positive results. Thank you so much for your creams!! Regards,
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that i absolutly love all your products, i think i have just about all of them. They do wonders for my skin and i have tried so many different products. Its such a great mixture that it doesn't leave my skin oily or anything and i just want ot keep putting more on because it just soaks in so well. I really really wish you would do a huge container of your full cream with a pump top on it. Would this be something you look at doing in thr near future? I live in the country so i can only buy it online, i run out so fast and it would be really convenient.
Thanks heaps to your great team.
Would love some. Have recruited 3 new customers after 2 days use of the MSM cream -all red heads with damage to face, arms and back of hands. Will also be informing my GP. Dermatologist was not able to help. Will also tell my Naturopath.
Hi there, I was writing to congratulate your company on a range of wonderful product. I am a Writer/Journalist, and have been writing about natural health for many years as that is my passion. Having sampled many other products of a similar nature, I have found that those produced by MooGoo are far superior in quality and contain the least additives making them also the simplest commercial products I have tried. As an exzema sufferer I will endearvour to try the entire Moo Goo range of specialty creams. Kind regards, Vanessa PS: I spotted a typo in the blurb about mouthwash that you may want to correct.
I've never bothered writing testimonials before but I am so impressed with your product. After applying a well known moisturiser to my face it tingled and reddened and felt so tight and dry the next day. I thought vaseline might sooth but it caused more problems instead. A friend who has psoriasis told me about Moogoo. I must say I was a bit septical but willing to try anything to get relief. The 'Full Cream' product has really relieved all and I will continue to use it....Thank you & keep up the good work!
Hi, I would not usually take the time to write to a company but i found moo goo in a magazine advert and went to buy some immeadiately. I have suffered scalp problemsfor so long and i had been told i would just have to live with it. The moo goo scalp balm fixed the hairline helped the first time i ever applied it, and i am so pleased with it i cannot wait to get the moisturiser and shampoo and conditioner. I love the fact that i know every ingredient in it.That's never happened before. It makes my skin feel amazing and smell even better. I've even been using it on my face. I've used every salon shampoo out there from inexpensive to expensive, and none did at all what moo goo did . I can't thank you enough.
Hi Guys, FORTY FIVE years I have had scalp problems from shampoo allergy. Your soothing cream and shampoo/conditioner has ended all that and vitually overnight. I can't believe it! I now can feel the wind through my hair and am not embarrassed to have my hair cut. please never go out of business.
I have a secret to confess. I have been a fan of all your Moo Goo products and am a mad online buyer. Recently on a family camping trip I was told to take only the bare essentials to which of course I packed all your products, when I got there I realized that I had forgot to pack shampoo. You saved us with your Moo Goo milk wash we all used it our hair has never looked shinier or felt softer. Thankyou you saved the day. Kind Regards
To the MooGoo Crew, I just had to share with you my testament to MooGoo. I have had problems in my scalp for over 15 years, I have tried every shampoo ,cream know to man. After reading about MooGoo in Thats Life! magazine, I was willing to give anything a go.
Well what can I say, after 3 days my scalp isn't burning ,and the scabs are improving,which rarely happens, my hair also feels soft and silky. I am a convert and have rang my sister who suffers as well, and told her she MUST get some. Keep up the great work. Yours Faithfully,
Love, love, love Moo Goo shampoo & conditioner! No itch, no flakes, no breakouts around my hairline and my hair is nice and shiny! Fan for life!
Connie, Newtown NSW
Good afternoon,
I recently received my second order from you of full cream and anti aging cream. They are wonderful. I also wanted to tell you that after two washes of your shampoo my dry, irritated scalp is completely normal. It has not been this good for years. And I do mean about 10 years. This is all I will ever use from now on.
Many, many thanks
Sharon in Melbourne
Hi everyone at MooGoo! I recently ordered the Shampoo and Conditioner at your online shop because I was searching for something that could calm my red and itchy skin and make those ugly dandruffs go away. I was suffering from this for my whole life and now I've finally found 'the Holy Grail' for my skin and hair. My hair is soooo soft and my scalp is as healthy as it has never been before. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I wish you all the best from Germany
Nadine, Germany
Hi All,
Just had to write about the success of your scalp cream. My Dad is 85 and suffers from a very itchy scalp. Kept him (and Mum) awake at night and was a constant irritation. He tried everything, creams, lotions, pills, you name it, he tried it! With no relief. Doctors couldn’t help.
A very kind friend gave me your ad. I admit, I was sceptical, but we were desperate, so I ordered some scalp cream. From the first application, Dad has had relief. No more wakeful nights and no more itching during the day. Mum thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread!!
So thank you very much. I’m sorry for being a doubting Thomas. I am definitely a convert!
Hi there, I was writing to congratulate your company on a range of wonderful product. I am a Writer/Journalist, and have been writing about natural health for many years as that is my passion. Having sampled many other products of a similar nature, I have found that those produced by MooGoo are far superior in quality and contain the least additives making them also the simplest commercial products I have tried. As an eczema sufferer I will endeavour to try the entire Moo Goo range of specialty creams.
My 11 yr old son Zac has suffered from psoriasis for the past 4 yrs and has been put through numerous treatments. He is suffering from it very bad in his scalp and none of his creams seem to be working. Last week I purchased some scalp cream from a pharmacy at the changes are remarkable. He was crying that he is so happy that we may have finally found a cure. What cream would you suggest he use on his body. He is covered from head to toe with psoriasis so I really need something i can cover him in.. Thankyou very much for this great cream. Many thanks.
I am totally in awe with this product….here is my story;
Last year had to do both Chemo and Radiation. {We have had to edit pretyt much all this out due to regulations].
Thankyou from me and my boob.
Ps. The hospital where I received my Radiation was , Toowoomba.
Hi there, My name is melissa and I am an aged carer from hobart.
After suffering from a horrible rash on my hands which nothing else would clear I tried your wonderful Eczma and Psoriasis balm. My hands were cracked and bleeding but now thanks to your delishishly teriffic moo goo they are much better. Which leads me to to the source of my email,Is it available in larger than 120g quantities like a large jar. as my hands just cant get enough of it. Thank you once again for doing what others could not.
Kind Regards.
I have attached pictures of Navarone’s eczema outbreak between Mar 12 and Mar 24, so you can see from one extreme to the other.
As a mum of ten, I do have other children who have a very MILD case of it from time to time, and their daddy too, but nothing ever as bad as this. (Our tenth was born on the tenth of Feb, so he’s just five months old now).
An assistant suggested MooGoo to me, and as a mum and a student I was thrilled to see the results. I’ve told 3 Dr’s about this product now! I am so impressed with it. I’ve actually run out and need to buy more, but I am definitely going to BLOG the results!
I have a friend who also swears by your moisturiser, I just haven’t trialled it yet! It’s on the TO DO LIST!
Take care and have a lovely day!
Kind regards
Michelle H QLD